Magic Island.

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Magic Island.

Having touble getting published? Consider this...

A Japanese girl named Mona spent nineteen days typing a 'novel' on her cell phone. She then posted it, unedited, to a media sharing site called Maho i-Land (Magic Island). Maho i-Land, acting as an agent, then triggered the publication of a book called "Eternal Dream".

"Eternal Dream" was one of the ten best selling hardbacks for the first half of 2007. Another cell phone text 'novel' wonder called "The Red Thread" by Mei sold 1.8 million copies, and "Lone Sky" sold 2.6 million copies. 2,600,000 copies! And that's not all.
The cell phone novel site Maho i-Land is visited three and a half billion times a month. That's billion.

So get texting.

Cnt b rssd.
I am assuming they have phones with versions of Word or similar, like an Iphone or palm held computer or blackberry, rather than texting. And emailed it to the not so much money. I used to try to write stuff on a friend's palm pilot phone but the combo of mini screen and stylus and virtual keyboard was ridiculous... J x


I have used my phone to occasionally record ideas when I'm out and about and don't have my notepad with me. I find it cumbersome and slightly annoying, at best. I can't imagine trying to write a whole novel on one. It would drive me bonkers!


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