Feelgood story of the year so far?

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Feelgood story of the year so far?

With all the doom and gloom surrounding the global economic crisis, government crackdowns on civilian protestors and my car breaking down on the motorway, it's good to know that there are still News stories out there that can make me smile. Today's bit of good news is of a little smarmy git admitting he has let everyone down and needs to seek help to get his cheese and wine stealing habit under control.


Any other feelgood stories out there that caught your eye?

I thought the story about the same guy and his poisonous plant was good... Hope you get your car fixed soon OP thanks for the story sounds like a bit of a character. I wonder if everyone gets off with only a caution?
I very much doubt it highhat.


Hi Pia, I take it you're unfamiliar with the little rat who goes by the name of Anthony Worall Thompson? Look out for him in the film Ratatouille. I've been thinking. Maybe with Jamie Oliver doing his bit for improving food in schools, A.W.T. wants to do his bit for improving food in prisons. Some people, eh?
new Olpesky How Is This For A Feel Good Story! Hello! so sorry read your news car breaking down on motorway. Long as you didn't have to push the car! I did once in high winds and coastal seafront, with an another relation,while brother steered the wheel. Did ligaments should in 3 months. Well have story might cheer! you up. Day before Ray came with me to 'Jubille market! look around what! did I see, yeh! it was a chain in glass cabinet there,pendant colour picture of 'Jesus'. So Ray did come back next day,a key used look at it, could see it had a kind of winder,when assistant took it out show! I trie my nails to open,assistant opened it up wow! it was a watch? Fob watch so had to buy,battery and working. But it is on web also blow! it, I knocked it down £2=£13. Not rare as thought. But pleased it is working. Hope your well. And got email, as computer plays up! No replies daughter. "Jazz" on bed, also had fish n'chips,tempted him with fish. But just opened front door to go and do lottery,there! was 'Green Eyes' Jazz sitting, so he must be a winner black talkative cat. All the best julie and Ray xx Hugs xx
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