Daily Mail? Not half!

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Daily Mail? Not half!

It's official; Melanie Phillips is a heroine!
She may well write for The Daily Mail, but I'd like to see any of the other papers rival her sage, pure, unashamed take on the ludicrously demented state of affairs in the UK.
This is her majestic leading article today:

The word ‘Orwellian’ has become over-used to the point of cliche. Yet there is really no other way to describe the deeply sinister, upside-down onslaught upon common sense that has extended even into the school playgrounds of politically correct Britain.

The aim was originally to create a kinder, gentler world — with a commitment to eradicating racial or any other type of prejudice.

Supporters of these beliefs profess to loathe and detest bullying, with teachers instigating school playground patrols and ‘anti-bullying weeks’ to stamp out this hateful practice.

And yet, in pursuance of these aims, we have witnessed the rise of the widespread state-sponsored bullying of children.

The latest example was the experience of a seven-year-old boy from Hull, whose mother was astounded to be told by his primary school to sign a form admitting he was racist.

So what was the heinous act this child had committed to cause him to be branded in this way? Why, merely to have asked a five-year-old boy in the playground whether he was ‘brown because he was from Africa’.

What on earth is racist about that question? It does not express a hateful dislike of, or racial superiority over, another person on account of the colour of their skin. It merely wonders, in a child-like way, about the reason for that colour.

It is thus a perfectly inoffensive question from a curious child. The reason for the five-year-old’s brown skin is, indeed, that his ancestry lies in another continent.

So how can a correct assumption constitute a prejudice? The school’s gross over-reaction suggests that racism is being redefined to include not only hateful references to someone’s colour, but any reference to it at all.

Real racial prejudice is, indeed, a horrible thing. But such wildly inappropriate labelling is to trivialise and thus effectively deny the harm done by truly vile attitudes.

What’s more, it is particularly odious to hang the label of racist round a child’s neck. Witch-hunts are bad enough in themselves; but to make a child their target is really quite obscene.

Because of their immaturity, children cannot be held to account for their behaviour in the same way as adults. When the young killers of toddler James Bulger were tried for his murder, there was uproar among progressive folk over the fact they were being made to stand trial because they were just children themselves.

Yet it would seem that those whose collective heart bleeds for child killers are nevertheless intent upon branding seven-year-olds as enemies of the people — just for displaying an attitude that some bureaucratic Big Brother wannabe deems to be beyond the pale.

The seven-year-old from Hull was by no means an isolated example. The extent of such state-sponsored bullying amounts to a kind of playground Inquisition.

Last year, it was revealed that teachers were branding thousands of children as racist or ‘homophobic’ following what were merely playground squabbles.

In total, 34,000 nursery, primary and secondary pupils — including more than 20,000 pupils aged 11 or younger — were effectively classed as bigots for so-called ‘hate speech’.

One child was called a racist for calling a boy ‘broccoli head’ (on the basis the vegetable looks a bit like Afro hair); another was said to be homophobic for telling a teacher: ‘This work is gay.’

A six-year-old was said to have been reported by his school to the local authority after telling an ethnic minority friend: ‘Your skin is the colour of poo.’

A ten-year-old child was arrested and brought before a judge for having allegedly called an 11-year-old boy a ‘Paki’ and ‘Bin Laden’ during a playground argument in which the other boy had called him ‘a skunk’ and a ‘Teletubby’.

Back in 2006, after a 14-year-old schoolgirl asked a teacher if she could sit with a different group to do a science project as all the girls with her spoke only Urdu, her teacher actually called the police.

The girl was arrested and taken to a police station, where she was fingerprinted, photographed and placed in a bare cell for more than three hours. She was questioned on suspicion of committing a racial public order offence, and then released without charge.

Ludicrous, or what? Yet this over-reaction is actually mandated by law.

Under the 2000 Race Relations Act, teachers are obliged to report any incident that is perceived to be racist by the victim or anyone else as ‘hate speech’ — even if it is committed by a child.

Of course, it is not just children who are being subjected to such vilification on the grounds of offending some interest group or other. Last week, Channel 4’s advertising campaign for the sequel to its hit show My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding was attacked as racist for saying it was ‘Bigger. Fatter. Gypsier.’

What on earth is offensive about ‘gypsier’? If a sequel to the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding was advertised as ‘Bigger. Fatter. More Greek’, would that be said to be racist? Of course not.

This witch-hunt is going on all the time. Last year, a beach bar singer on the Isle of Wight was arrested for performing the song Kung Fu Fighting after a complaint to the police by a man said to be of Chinese origin.

On another occasion, following a complaint that he was inciting hatred against homosexuals, police interrogated a Christian cafe owner and reportedly threatened him with arrest for repeatedly playing on a small flat-screen TV a 26-hour-long DVD in which a narrator reads the whole of the New Testament. After an outcry, the police backed down and apologised.

And who can forget the experience ten years ago of farmer and writer Robin Page, who was arrested on suspicion of stirring up racial hatred after making a speech at a pro-hunting rally that began: ‘If there is a black, vegetarian, Muslim, asylum-seeking, one-legged, lesbian lorry driver present, I want the same rights as you.’

Such reaction by the police and other officials in responding to trumped-up claims of ‘hate speech’ is the kind of behaviour we associate with Eastern Europe under communism.

So how on earth has Britain, the historic cradle of liberty, got itself to the point where it conducts witch-hunts against children for expressing ‘forbidden’ views?

It all stems from the collapse of socialism, after which left-wingers shifted their focus from economics to issues of group identity.

Instead of attacking the capitalist West for oppressing the workers, they attacked mainstream society for oppressing marginalised or minority groups that were held to be victims of the majority.

Hugely aided by human rights law, such groups then became immune from criticism and were encouraged to complain about their treatment.

Moreover, how people felt became much more important than anything they actually did. So if such a victim group claimed to have been insulted, that was regarded as proof that an insult had actually occurred.

This replacement of objective reality by subjective feelings was a recipe for turning truth and justice inside out.

When George Orwell created his fictional ‘thought police’ and ‘Ministry of Truth’, he was attacking Stalinism and its attempt to re-configure human psychology itself.

Incredible as it may seem, that’s what we have in Britain with ‘political correctness’, which should more properly be called cultural Stalinism — a regime of oppression and intimidation in which even innocent children are being branded as bigots.

A kinder, gentler world? No, this is where freedom dies with a boot stamping on its face.

Coincidentally I'm watching an episode of South Park about the very same issue. It's sad what happened to Kenny.


Brilliant, Viva Melanie Phillips, Viva! If half of what she reports is true, God help the British. It seems that Britannia is being systematically raped and gutted by an evil little clique of delusional bigots, aided apparently by a brainless parliament and a robotic police force. Leave the children alone.


Here's a link to the article which kicked it all off. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2103707/Mother-Nicola-Allen-slam... I expect, as is usual in DM reporting, there's more to this than meets the immediate eye. http://www.ukauthors.com
I wondered if this could be just another chance for a controversial right-wing columnist to do a bit of ‘Loony Liberal left’ bashing? I noticed that Russell Myers, also of the Daily Mail, had the story a couple of days before Ms Phillips decided she could do something more with it. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2103175/Boy-7-branded-racist-ask... I noticed in one of the comments below the article that Chris asks some very pertinent questions that seem to have been ignored amongst all the hysteria. “I am amazed that so many people here seem to think that this comment is okay, and that common sense would have been to ignore it. This child asked a question of a black student that pre-supposed all black people come from Africa - eg. if you are black, you don't come from around here. Surely he must have been taught this - it is inconceivable that he has never seen a black person before, as there are 20,000 living in Hull, 3 on the Hull football squad, and characters and presenters on the TV all the time. If he's THAT curious, he would have asked about where black people came from when he saw Sid on cbeebies, for instance - he IS 7. I can't help feeling that he DID ask, and got told the "Africa" answer - Sid is from Sussex, incidentally! The black child felt strongly enough about it to go home and tell mum, so how do we know this wasn't said in a mocking or aggressive tone? No, I think the school acted correctly here - remember, Ofsted monitor how well schools challenge prejudice!” (end of comment) “More than 20,000 pupils aged 11 or younger were put on record for so-called hate crimes” On the face of it I have to say that it does sound very loony but - How many of these kids really were homophobic or racist - how many really were abusive or intentionally hurtful? How many, like the child in this case, were decided to have been wrongly accused? Thinking back to my school days we could have done with something to stop the bullying and school yard violence… Ms Phillips resorts to cobbling together all sorts of disparate items taken from a period that span a decade to make her case that “It all stems from the collapse of socialism, after which left-wingers shifted their focus from economics to issues of group identity.” Well, she should know as she used to be one of them before she realised there was a lot more money on the Right side of the street :O) “Moreover, how people felt became much more important than anything they actually did. So if such a victim group claimed to have been insulted, that was regarded as proof that an insult had actually occurred. This replacement of objective reality by subjective feelings was a recipe for turning truth and justice inside out.” Well, this is a bridge too far. “how people felt became much more important than anything they actually did.” Is she really trying to convince us that someone who was accused of insulting someone was in more trouble than someone else who punched them, or threw a brick through their window, or burned their house down? I must admit I'm not sure that is what she meant but I can't think what else she could have meant... perhaps she means it doesn't matter what you do if you do it without emotion; I didn't feel anything so it doesn't count? Sounds like the torturers excuse - it's alright, I don't enjoy it. It seems that Ms P writes for her readers... here's a snippet from a comment that seems to back up the idea that actual crimes were not punished : "You didn't need to be a brilliant, politically aware intellectual to notice how knife-criminals were being let-off or just fined £25..." “So if such a victim group”? The ‘feelers who imagined insults’ group? “claimed to have been insulted, that was regarded as proof that an insult had actually occurred.” surely it was as she rightly described it a ’claim’ and the proof was to be decided later. “Incredible as it may seem, that’s what we have in Britain with ‘political correctness’, which should more properly be called cultural Stalinism — a regime of oppression and intimidation in which even innocent children are being branded as bigots.” Is she arguing that all the children accused of being bigots are innocent here - or just some part of the poor, repressed, oppressed, intimidated kids who have been falsely accused? Now we get ‘political correctness’ more properly ‘cultural Stalinism’ Why choose Stalin surely ‘cultural fascism’ would be closer (oh, but that’s Right wing isn’t it?) So is she suggesting we scrap ‘political correctness’ and go back to saying whatever we think? Or perhaps we should swap to ‘cultural Christianity’ and leave it to God to sort the bigots out? “A kinder, gentler world? No, this is where freedom dies with a boot stamping on its face.” I suspect there is far more chance of that should the Right get their way! It’s a lot like listening to a Fox news exclusive… never mind the truth or the logic - feel the outrage! Come to think of it the Tea Party should be very popular in the UK… but I’ll stick to coffee.
I don't know which party Melanie Phillips votes for, but if she's with the Tories it's probably because they are far more liberal, left-wing and honest about their intentions than pitiful, shambolic, self-congratulating Labour. Honestly, Mangone, it seems that you have an answer to everything but a solution to nothing. Perhaps the best I can hope for (with Socialism taken out of the equation) would be some sort of middle-ground between the politically correct and the liberal right. Socialism IS the only way forward from here but the government would never allow it without a fight. And by the way, the Right have had their way since Maggie came in and including Blair's reign. Everyone knows that criminals love it when Labour get in because they can get away with murder, literally. It's a free for all because Labour have detached themselves from their roots, which goes a long way to explaining why there are still so many soulless morons at the top of the civil service, because they don't know what it is that they stand for. I get the impression that you'd still be moaning about Fox if everything that you've supposedly been fighting for actually came to pass. Children should never be made to feel responsible for the things that they have been told by others. They need to shown right from wrong, but not identified as criminals fo relaying that which has been passed onto them. Children don't choose their parents and the things they are told, but it seems that the authorities have run out of adults to incriminate for saying naughty words. As Florian says, leave the children alone.


Chris makes some big assumptions of his own in his comments, not least regarding the level of sophistication to be reasonably expected from a 7 year old, let alone the child's motivation in asking the question. At that age I believed in Father Christmas and the tooth fairy and had no notion of what constituted nationality. Surely the underlying issue here is that young children should be guided and if necessary disciplined in such sensitive matters by their parents and their teachers - who seem to have totally abrogated their responsibility or have had it taken away from them - and not be subjected to police jackboots echoing down the corridor to Form 3b. I can't believe anyone supports that. Or is this actually a subtle means of punishing or intimidating parents suspected of not having instilled sufficiently political correct values in their offspring? And where does that end? I find it chilling that "the poor, repressed, oppressed, intimidated kids who have been falsely accused" can apparently be easily dismissed as necessary casualties on the road to Utopia. There are many forks on that road - take the wrong one, be it at the insistence of a left wing or a right wing ideologue, and you may find it ultimately leads to hell.
I find it so sad how we are becoming victim to this correctedness attitude which I believe is pervasive in our society. My sister, an excellent and enthusiastic elementary school teacher, with two degrees, resigned from teaching when a new edict came from the school board. It stated any physical contact with a student on any part of their body would be grounds for teacher dismissal. My sister, a married mother of three, always believed a pat on the shoulder, even a hug was necessary for some students who never experienced a proper physical touch for their assignment accomplishments. Rather than be seen doing something very natural to her, she left the profession. What a loss to students. Richard LP
Richard L. Provencher
You make so much sense, Florian, that it seems we really have lost so much of ourselves over the past three decades. When I was seven, I admittedly had no boundaries and my father was hardly ever around, which is a shame, but I was free to go out and play in the park or by the seaside with friends of my age. This was at a time when paedophilia was at its worst level ever, according to records, although I find this hard to believe judging by the amount of child porn that's being watched on the internet, and while the very thought of watching such a thing repulses me, I can't help imagining that rather than feeding paedos with this 'virtual fun', the free-for-all availability of child porn only shows how irresponsible this new world government, which prides itself on decency, has become. It is the govt's perverse complacency that is feeding spiritual illness, because these people will only stay underground for so long and will strike mercilessly if and when opportunities arise, but even then, when they are found guilty they are just moved on from community to community. Why haven't they stopped child porn on the web? Because they can't be bothered, or because they imagine that it is a necessary evil? Either stance beggars belief when children themselves are being held up as criminals in playgrounds at the age of seven. And if the world's population is so acountable thanks to technology, why is it allowing this anarchy to anyone who switches on a computer, and what lengths do they go to make sure that children themselves are not watching? While we're all made out to be potential terrorists at customs and criminals on the street, watched over by CCTV, this vile activity is there for all to watch. It's plain sick. Would it arrest the urge to drink if an alcoholic could watch people having 'fun' or getting into trouble on the net? I don't think so, but there again alcoholics are seen by the govt as a tax-treasure that control population growth, plus there are no end of police-oriented 'drink documentaries' on the telly. In the 1970's, when paedophilia was at its height and I lived about five miles from The Beast of Birkenhead, who incidentally was never found guilty for any of the heinous crimes he committed against children in his thirty year reign of terror, which was well known to social services and many other respectable folk in the vicinity, I was never once approached by an undesirable. Why? Because there were infinitely more decent people out there compared to those who wished me harm, just like today, if only the good people were allowed to show their good nature. I had run-ins with other children and got myself in trouble but this was mostly of my own making. I admit that at aged seven upwards, I was unruly and fearless, but at the very least I was free in the broad sense that I was not made to feel that everyone I passed was about to hurt me, rape me, kidnap me or kill me. It's an unrecognisable world from the one I grew up in on Merseyside, and the very thought that children are potentially being used to instil fear into parents in order to abide, en famille, by the authorities' perverse form of justice is so realistic, judging by the way we're heading, that it spins my mind. This would constitute an abhorrent abuse of power coupled with en masse brainwashing of children and if proved to be practiced, even as a test, would have a devastating effect on any government. I know just what you mean about teachers being forced to show no physical affection for school children, Richard. One of my sisters and a niece are both teachers and they are appalled by the madness of the authorities but they feel a need to be there and manage the best they can because they love their job. It's either go with it and keep your job or walk away. To promote my children's picture book, I'm trying to do school readings but am finding it extremely difficult to find schools prepared to take me on. I offer a free service to read my story, having left the book for approval with about fifteen local infant and primary schools. Two have said yes and the other thirteen have not even contacted me. I visited one school today, and found out that they apparently plan all activities the year before. That information only became clear after one phone call, two unanswered emails, an unannounced visit (to make contact and offer the book for approval) for which I received no news in over a month, and another unannounced visit today, when I retrieved the book and was informed of their policy. This may be cynicism on my part, but I find it hard to believe that their reason for declining my offer was truthful, and it is deeply disappointing to have to come to terms with the probability that a school has to lie to get rid of a local storyteller. By contrast, local shops are more than happy to arrange readings and events, and this is the way I will be promoting the book from now on. I can only assume that their policy does not forcibly discourage or prohibit them from having adults in the same place as children. With 100,000 child runaways finding solace in the streets every year in the UK alone, and 1.5 million homeless children in the USA today, how can any western govt say with hand on heart that it is satisfying its duty of care to the most vulnerable, innocent beings in their country? I have felt an unerring sense of guilt for being male and wanting to read to school children, but that's the feeling I get from schools generally, and I guess I'll have to wait till I'm sufficiently well known to be invited to read at the vast majority of schools. It's like barking up a tree that doesn't even exist. Where there is no trust in people, there can be no hope of faith in humanity, and so long as ourpolitically correct govt purport to be acting on its people's behalf, it can never be taken seriously until it looks itself straight in the mirror of truth.


I admit to a bias, I’ve always favoured the under dog. No-one seems to have spared a thought for the little 5 year old kid who is approached by a 7 year old, and let’s face it 2 years is a huge gap at that stage of life, asked a question that, I think, understandably upset him... so he tells his mum when he gets home from school. All this fuss then blows up with the Daily Mail championing the mother for refusing to sign a form... which, I have wondered, might actually be a way to get the mother to school to see if she shows any signs of bigotry. Certainly I don't believe it is simply a way to get a parent to agree to branding their child as a bigot... It strikes me that it is more likely an excuse to ensure that the problem is explained to, and discussed with, a parent so that the parents can discuss the issues with the child at home - in the hope that this should help to ensure that there is less chance of a repeat performance. Meanwhile the mother of the 5 year old, for obvious reasons, now wishes to move her child to a different school and, no doubt, the child will never again complain about being upset by other children. All, I can say is that I’m very glad that it isn’t me who must face his future at which ever school! But, the Daily Mail has saved the world again. Of course it might have been better if it had saved the world using anonymous reporting… why make everything so personal? Could it not have reported that a 7 year old child had been the victim of ‘whatever it believes he has been a victim of’ without mentioning the names of those involved and the specific school? I’m not sure what the answer to anti-social behaviour at school is - but I don’t think that this kind of reporting can possibly help except, perhaps, to demonstrate to parents that are bigoted (and let’s face it that is where the child would be more than likely to get its bigotry from) that all they need to do if one of their children is accused of knowingly, or unknowingly, displaying that bigotry is to phone up the Daily Mail. As for Ms P - she seems to make a living out of drawing examples from Orwell's 1984... is it the only book she has read? Maybe she should extend her repertoire to include some Franz Kafka.
I’ve only just read Andrea’s link which reveals a subtly different series of events to later reports. One day, Ms Allen's son, who was only four at the time, came home from school upset because another pupil had been asking if he was from Africa. The boy is actually of mixed race parents but, like his mum, born in Hull. Ms Allen tried to brush the comment aside - but it happened again, which was so distressing that she asked her son’s teacher if someone could please speak to the other child and explain to him her son was not African. It appears that both mothers thought the matter had been resolved after Christmas when the seven year old boy’s mother, Hayley, apologised... but it seems that wheels had been set into motion... I notice that Hayley wants to move her son to a different school and it may be that I mixed the mothers up.
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