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Found on an author's page:

I have 4 stories published in one collection on the site. My stories have been read 510 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Put the link up Luigi.  

If one of the stories has been given a pick of the day and then subsequently gained recognition as story of the week both awards are counted towards the total.  Therefore it is possible for more cherries than stories to be present.  It's an anomaly but a pleasant one I think you'll agree.


I agree it is a pleasant innovation of which I was unaware but the pedant in me still thinks it doesn' add up. This is the link:

1 entry - uncherried

2 entries - cherried

1 entry - 1 golden cherry + 1 gold star

if the golden cherry and the gold star count as two cherries the total should be 4. Am I missing something?


The story in question "Definitely Tequila" would have originally have to have been awarded an initial cherry pick Luigi and that will contribute to the total too; ergo four stories and five cherries.


So we are talking of three cherries for one story? Fair enough, I suppose. Thanks for the explanation.


Is it worth mentioning that insertponcyfrenchnamehere has 3 stories published and 165 cherries?






55 cherries for each stories. Incredible. surpriseWhat a result!


That's about the equivalent of each story being made Mayor of Liverpool.