Perfectly placed advertising
Mon, 2013-09-30 21:34
Perfectly placed advertising
It's often said that the advantage of advertising on the web is that you can place your advert in the exact, perfect place to reach your target audience, in some instances with up to 100% of the niche subgroup you reach likely to buy your product.
Like, for example ...
I've just visited youtube to look up the Attila the Stockbroker song about Thatcher's death (the somewhat tastefully titled Maggots 1 Maggie 0) only to be subjected to a 15 second advert for the Littlewoods catalogue.
Well done Littlewoods catalogue, perfect placement of your advert. I simply couldn't think of a better way to exactly and precisely target your audience.
Me either Terrence; high street 0 idiotic web tossers 00. RIP Maggie.
Dear Terrence and Scratch
you do not understand because you are men! Maggie our train-wreck of a past PM whose decision to put VAT on petrol led to Rowntree Mackintosh in Edinburgh (where my older daughters' Dad worked some time before I met him) and I am sure a lot of other factories in Scotland too, deciding to shift South of the border to save money`- well Maggie was a thrifty grocers daughter. She always bought her crimplene from the Littlewoods catalogue rather than squandering her shekels in Primark.
So it is perfect product placement. However it is annoying if, like myself you find
listening to ads a pest Elsie
The thing is you don't have a lot of choice what precedes your YouTube clip. I've got a couple of clips out there - I don't think they've been viewed 300 times between them - and I used to see all sorts of ads. Now nobody's viewing my clips there are no ads at all. I need to think up some catchy words to link to them.
Why don't you download AdBlock? I never get ads on anything.