Tulpas - An old short - story

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Tulpas - An old short - story



This is a really old short story I had written. I had thought I lost it while moving around from one computer to another over the last 10 years. However, I was able to find pieces of it and patch it together.

I have recently started reworking on a novel I had begun years ago. It has 4 stories interweaved over time. I am thinking of adding a few chapters on lines similar to this story in a small part of the novel. I'm looking for some feedback if something of this nature would still be interesting.

Actually, it's been read 70 times.  I daresay I got quite a deal less than that on my first post (in the first few days) when I first started out here.  It's more likely to be read as part of a forum topic in my opinion, but considering that fact that this is a community website, I totally agree with your point, Stan.  Commenting on others' work is the healthiest way to get reads on your own, even if things don't always work out that way.