Hi David,
Thanks. That is a very serious and well thought through response. Made me think what it is I really really want.
My writing is purely a hobby, and a very new one at that. But, I do read and subscribe to magazines and I have been submitting work. So far I have had one poem printed in the local paper. The others are still in lying round in offices, I presume.
I have entered work for competitions, but won't find out if I have been successful for quite some time. (That's how new the hobby is.)
You're right, I think they see me as 'obsessed with the computer' even though I only use the machine to type out the final draft. (I do my correspondence on the pc though and read the papers occasionally)
I think I'll have to persevere and suffer in silence till I have something to show.
It would be nice though if I was occasionally asked: 'How's it going?'
And that, I think, is what I really want.
Oh dear, don't I look sad? Hope Freud isn't reading this!
I'm not really so obsessed with it all, too much going on!
hmmmm ... but of a prob this one reinardina ... the best i get is long suffering sighs from the fishbone jnrs. ... so can't really offer ANY advice ... perhaps you could see it instead as a benefit? ... either that or write LOTS of poems about THEM ... or tell them that there are lots of poems about them ... so then they will read them to find out ...
oh dear i was hoping to be helpful ...
Reinardina, perhaps dedicate two poems, one to your husband and one to your daughter, and post it to them. At least they will have a poem personalized. They'll be touched by this act. People are inclined to keep a posted envelope.
It's great to have a family that is "loving and lovable." Many people don't have that in their lives.
Good luck!
It's great to have a family that is "loving and lovable"?
I don't quite understand that notion. No-one is loving to me or are lovable.
Hence my moody stuff
How about showing them the sad fates of lots of misunderstood poets? Explain that you are an artist and that you must be nurtured and treasured, otherwise you could tip towards the edge of insanity..........OK OK well maybe still play the money card. There is always a remote possibility that writing could net you a fortune. Or read your husband some John Donne. That should get even Spag Si in a loving mood. He'll soon learn to appreciate poetry after that.
Hooooowwwwl . Hello little Wolfie. I appreciate all poetry. I always find that poetry is a better medium for letting all your anxieties out. But loving mood?
I love my family but they seem to see me as the black sheep. As for relationships, I am the one that falls in love and they just hurt me, so i prefer not to love anybody.
I am just such a happy guy :)
One thing I do love is ABC tales and all you guys
So love to you has the same effect as boiling water upon spaghetti. You go all soft and vulnerable. Someone once told me that falling in love is like projectile vomiting; it leaves you empty when it's all over.
I still think it's worth the risk.
It is rather like that, Wolfie. I lose all confidence, have insecurities about everything. To me it isn't worth the risk anymore. It once was.
I think you can get used to being on your own, I sure have.
Not unhappy at all. If someone proves me wrong then I'd be well happy but can't see that somehow.
Oh gawd, getting quite down. I'd better get my buddy , good ol' Jack Daniels to visit my liver.
I think it's a terrible, criminal waste that such a funny, talented and sensitive person should be dumped upon. Shame on them! It's very hard to develop a thick skin, isn't it? Quite truthfully, if I wasn't with my long-suffering other half, I would like to be on my own. I do enjoy my own company and as the very wise Jean-Paul Sartre said, 'Other people are hell'. By the way, you aren't truly alone. You are in a community of hopefully intuitive folk who know exactly what it is to be inside out, with your heart stitched to your sleeve. Isn't that right Ivoryfishy person? By the way JD used to be my tipple but one day my brother-in-law found me giggling locked in my parent's larder. He brings out that story nearly every time I see him.
Stay cool.
Thanks Wolfie for your kind words. I agree with you about being alone. It is always that way though when you are in a long term relationship. You think back to when you were single. When you are single you want a relationship.
Most people and yes it is a generalisation, hate me and I hate them. We have an understanding. People often ask me why I talk to myself. There are several reasons, one is that I have a better and more intelligent conversation with myself than any of the normal people I have to talk to.
Two is that I am working out poems and stories and prefer saying them outloud so I will not forget what I was thinking about.
And three is just to wind up certain people. I will stay cool. Yes the people that I like the most are the people I have never met, i.e you guys. And JD always keeps me from remembering how sad my life has become. I guess as the years roll on, the problems seem to mount. Anyway I am gonna put on Austin Powers to cheer me up.
Stay cool and happy Wolfie.
I thank you again for your very kind words.
You could knit each of your family members a nice little cardigan. That worked for me. Then when I'm concentrating on writing and ignoring eceryone, I convince them I'm working out another pattern. (Llama wool is only good for ganzies.)
You could always frighten them. Wear the ganzie or alpaca pullover yourself, and growl loudly when they come near you.
Wail loudly that noone understands you, and that you are all alone. Most people rise to the silent challenge of "being the one" that can make you happy.
Fools, all of them..dont they know we love being tortured and alone????
What a lovely surprise to find so many tips and suggestions, it'll take me some time to try them all out. Thanks to all.
A personal poem is a bit of a problem, for daughter only likes poetry that is (to me anyway) so way out that I don't understand it. I don't think I'll ever be able to write things like that. My work is simple and easy, more aimed at lazy brains like mine, than bright young things.
I'll think about the cardigans though, maybe it's best to make them into straight jackets, so they can't escape when I want to 'test read' something.
I have already tried to find a riotous (is that spelled correctly?) tune for 'Holiday' so I can sing that at the top of my voice, just to draw their attention to my work. Didn't really work as I can't sing and it just frightened them.
In the mean time I'll try to think of ways to become famous.
Have a nice weekend, all of you!
John Lennon glasses, eh, Spagbog?
Do they go with your Michael Owen shirt?
Look, si, we're all your pals on this site and we don't want you to think that you're on your own.
But you could help yourself from feeling lonely by not spending so much time on those empty terraces at White Hart Lane. Do yourself a favour, go to Highbury and meet thousands of people who love Nick Hornby too.
Unfortunately my ex-girlfriend did indeed get me a Michael Owen England shirt. I wanted a Sol Campbell one but hey that has finished anyway.
I am not on my own when I am on ABC tales it is just that lonely and dark time at night when I think about being alone.
By the way, White Hart Lane is sold out for every game. Why? Because we rule!
just think....I've probably stood (sorry ...sat) next to bolognese and been none the wiser. there was a pool of sick nearby tho. Definately tomatoes in it.
Bol is our nick (not hornby) name for you spag.
I'm glad you were excited by a 'pool of tomatoes. Makes you feel at home - all that red?
I have a nick name? "I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it". Remember that song from the old Crunchie advert from the 80's?
You could have been sitting next to me, you lucky thing