re: Abandoned

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re: Abandoned

Well - I both post work on the site and read it - in fact, I read a lot more than I post - I nearly always read the Story of the Day and I always read the Poem.

I often just log on and browse through the Galleries, reading stories or poems with titles and descriptions that appeal - it's wonderful - all this writing to read, most of it really good - and it's practically free! And yes, I am guilty of whiling away many hours doing this, when I should be doing other things!!

And there is nothing like reading other people's work to rekindle your enthusiasm in your own writing, and spark off new ideas.


Anonymous's picture
Totally agree, Jennifer. An interesting observation, though - ...'titles and descriptions that appeal...' MLB made a comment about the same thing many moons ago. Sometimes makes me wonder if I should change some titles and, often, I don't give a description at all. Still, how on earth is one to know what will 'appeal' and what won't? Any bright ideas on this one, guys?
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I personally think titles are very important. To give a stupid example, one of my stories originally began with a D - it came out unparagraphed and I had problems editing it and couldn't delete it. So I pasted it back in as "A) ********" by chance, putting it second in alphabetical order for about two months - thus making it far more read than most of my other stuff. Unfortunately, though it is nice to have a lot of hits, it wasn't really one of my better stories. The blurb bit is tricky, I always run out of space and have to rewrite it. What I try to do is intrigue, without putting someone off. It is a difficult line to tread. *takes deep breath* authors names can be important too. There is one author who uses a name that has put me off reading any of their stuff, which is a shame. It may well be very good and worthwhile, but the name does put me off. When you've got 4,000 odd stories (in both senses of the word) the slightest thing can make a difference. But anyone who hasn't already should try some of Andrea's stuff. This might be an important factor too - when I started, Andrea and Andy Barratt were the closest in author list to me, so if I was checking my stuff, I also dipped into theirs. Luckily, both are excellent.
Anonymous's picture
i am often grabbed by titles ... and i tend to find the one line description bit puts me off ... they sound very cheesy sometimes ...
Anonymous's picture
You talking about my stuff, Ivory? I am Head cheese
Anonymous's picture
Oh, thank you, Andrew! I'm truly pleased. I have to say I never even thought about 'alphabetical order ' etc. I just bung it on and hope (some) people like it. Luckily, Andrew does at least :-)
Anonymous's picture
I agree with the name thing. If I see anyone with the name Jeffrey Archer; I stall, vomit, flee.
jeffrey archer
Anonymous's picture
But I have made more money out of my excellent novels than you can ever aspire to! The Sun/Daily Star/ Daily Mirror/Daily Mail readership is far greater than the Times Literary Supplement! *laughing all the way to jail*
Anonymous's picture
Jeff (Can I call you Jeff?), I am totally awe-inspired and convinced. I will go out tomorrow and but 'White Cane and Mabel' or whateverthebuggeritscalled. Mammon maketh men, not marvellous minds.
jeffrey archer
Anonymous's picture
Only my friends and ladies at tube stations call me Jeff. Send me a brown envelope containing a £1. Not A Penny More Nor A Penny Less. Then you can call me Jeff. Can I call you Wol? X
Anonymous's picture
No chance. I can get a lot of your books for a pound. Jumble sales usually have great stacks of them. Hardly opened, most of them.
Anonymous's picture
Thats good. I may be needing some paperback jumble soon as I while away the hours.
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