streaming video
Sat, 2001-10-27 01:13
streaming video
I'm a ranger from down under and am pretty new to the web - let alone this site. i like what i see so far.wierd to think that you guys are going to bed just when i get up.
anyways, I like reading my stuff aloud to peeple and was tryingt o make a vid with my new webcam for my friends? but it only runs slowly?
someone said i need streaming video. and buffers?
are they taking the piss or should I get the sofware?
any advice would be truly appreciated before i get in a flap.
I live in what you guys call the outback so you can realise that it gets lonely out here. I dontno no techies and somedays i just cant' seem to get my head outof the bush.
Hello Paul! I know nothing about buffers but I can tell you that your question will no doubt be answered soon by someone who does!!!
I also live out in the "sticks" so I can appreciate what you mean!! I only have cows, sheep and the occasional deranged lunatic roaming round the fields looking for magic mushrooms for company!!!
What bought you to this web site?
Its 01:35 here at the moment, so I guess that I match the above description!
Anyway, hope you find the answer to your question....
(p.s most men on this forum would probably think you very lucky not to get out of the "bush!" )
Hi Paul.
I'm not a worldclass expert on these things, but if you could post more info I might be able to help.
You say you are trying to make a video with your webcam but it is too slow?
I'm not sure what that means exactly. Are you trying to use one of those little webcams that sit on the top of a computer monitor to record a video for later playback? If so, how are you trying to record it? Normally, a webcam is for a live connection to another person so they can see and hear you while you are speaking. If it is "slow" (ie picture jerks, gets stuck, sound it choppy) it is probably because either your, or the recipient;s) telephone line is not "fast" enough. You would probably need at least an isdn line speed (64k or 128k) to make this work right.
If you want to record yourself in video, you will probably need more hardware and software than what you have now.
Your best bet is to restrict yourself to sound only. This is easy to do (comparatively) and the file sizes are MUCH smaller. For relatiely short pieces, you could even email them, they are that small.
Go to a site called and look for audio software for recording and software for converting audio files to MP3 format. If you have Mac equipment, iTunes will do the conversion (iTunes is free). There are other programs for recording.
I'm sure there are similar products for PCs, it's just that I have a Mac and never look at PC software.
The simple answer to your question is YES, your friends are right, but knowing that doesn't really help much in solving your problem.
If you know of a reliable store that sells software and hardware, maybe someone there can educate you a little on what you need for your system.
Again, personally, I would just stick to audio and email the files.
Go to On the home page, click on the audio press release. This will download an mp3 voice audio file to your computer and then play in whatever your default player is (quicktime, windows media player, realplayer).
This was recorded via telephone onto tape, then transferred to a digital file and converted to mp3. The quality is the best you can expect given this method of recording it in the first place. You should be able to do at least this well at home. In theory, you should be able to do much better, but it will depend on the quality of your microphone and the ambient noise when you record it.
If you have the software and a computer with a large enough hard disk, you can record directly onto your hard drive. The cassette tape step is not necessary.
Doesn't Missi also have trouble getting his head out of the bush?
Or is it into the bush?
G'day peeple!
strewth.. replies! I should have come back yesterday.
Lins ... I found this site with sevral others after a search for writing ont he web. I've put mssages on most of them and this is the first site to reply. top geezers! I just love the bush lins. if you havent been there you dont knowwhat your missing. open air. wild life. roos an snakes. a different smell every day. I love it.
Justy .... gee thanks mate. you've gone to so much effart. guess it might be best to take you'r advice and saveup for some better kit huh?
its about 8.30 on sunday morning here in Brunette Downs in Nothern Terrorties. the sun is high and the heat is on and i'm smoking bacon in the yard. I might submit some of my bush poetry this week. let me know what yout hink of it when i do?
a mate of mine lives near alice springs.
she's a lovelly girl. Im gonna get her to check this place out too. she's a good writer but she aint no bushwoman.
is missi from Oz too then ooh missus?
nice to meet you all.
guess this thread is over then?
thought that martin guy would've joined in wouldn't ya?
chow poms
G'day Paul,
Missus is certainly from SOMEWHERE down under...
*wanders off to dig out a cold one*
No, I'm Speechless!