Marie Darrieussecq "A brief stay with the living"
Sat, 2003-05-31 13:01
Marie Darrieussecq "A brief stay with the living"
I've been out in my hammock all morning reading her new"A Brief Stay with the Living" and so far (halfway thru) Im not overly impressed.. It should be a collection of poetry maybe? The prose certainly is beautiful, but it's so disconnected and odd, I find it hard to stay with it. A critic from the Times said that the author managed to change her perceptions of the world, but Im struggling to see how on earth......
Anybody else read this, and if so, what did you think?
Stop dawdling and get the book read and let us aaaaaaall know how it turns out
That's what I think
I think you can bugger off, you bloody slavedriver Wild. You sent me the sodding thing on purpose because it's crap.
You'll pay for that.
That's a no then.
Oh well... should you be considering it, don't.
Don't worry Liana it took 15 days for someone to reply to my post about Aztec.
Hope the book has perked up a bit.
S'ok Flash.. it's still in the hammock :o)
Is she the one who wrote about a woman who turned into a pig? It sounded a good idea to me, but for a short story not a novel.
Yes. Apparently that one was much better.