Articles, Fiction, Visual Art wanted
IL RÊVE, a literary magazine, needs articles, short stories, poetry or visual art submissions. A new publication, we are in the process of gathering material for a possible summer launch. The magazine is meant to have an interesting range of material…in other words anything that might spark the interest of a reader. The main sections are articles, fiction and visual arts…which can literally be on anything, as long as it reads well and is reasonably entertaining. The only things we dissuade you from sending in are articles on current affairs or anything time based…the magazine is not meant to be a read and then wait for the next one…more like something you keep and read whenever you need something to stimulate. Fiction, means short stories, poetry, novel excerpts, plays…or just strings of pretty words. Visual arts will contain anything from photographic series, to sketches, to digital art. Feel free to combine any of the sections, an article illustrated by a photographic/poetic collage would be just as welcome.
As it is a start-up in a notoriously difficult market, we can’t pay great amounts, to start with it will be nominal, but obviously once it breaks even, we might get the first round in. Send in anything as the number of talented people out there who keep their short stories in their desk drawers is tragically high. Just write something, we shall reply to everything.