Grief by peachescoates
Sat, 2005-07-23 11:32
Grief by peachescoates
I liked this one, of course the user unfortunately has not selected plain text and it's like prose, but I think it is full of existential grief indeed and that he/she expressed it very well. I am not saying it's a finished great poem as it is right now, perhaps after some editing, I don't know.
I like it either way ... and I'll bet on she too!
Couldn't read it - got a site error message :o(
Has Rachel's sprog started writting already? :o)
... or writing even.
Yes, I keep getting the same thing when I try to read Nic's Picturesque, Smiley!
And it's a damn shame for all the members here as I feel it's amongst the best I read yet! Mind you, I can always go to dark side and swipe a copy if neccessary?
< Darth Vaders evil breathing here>
*shapens up light sabre with one of Pepsi's famous anti-matter torch bulbs*
All of you - except Nic.
Come come Strummy, she very talented and married... and not a bit interested in your wobbly waffle.
Fixed the plain text thing - I think it's excellent too.
Not long to wait now for new site! Keep the faith.
Nowt to do with us. Very good piece though.