"Mary, I get to" by Justifireball
Sat, 2006-07-08 10:49
"Mary, I get to" by Justifireball
I think this poem is haunting - mysterious, dreamlike - and I found it (particularly the last third or so) very beautiful. The dependence of this 'freedom' ("I get to travel") on loss/a defence against loss is so well depicted here.
Like it the more I read it - very odd viewpoint, full of washing, scrubbing, cleaning and violent images in a rather tender poem expressing desperate need.
The repetitive "I get to travel" seems to fit someone of very limited experience and intelligence whose love inspires them to conjure up beautiful and original imagery interspersed with the mundane without them realising.
I liked this too. Repitition is tough to pull off but I think this gets it just right.