Comment on Film
Although this article is about OZ Film, it can be 'read' for any film industry today. I found the responses to the article, interesting so posted my own 'two cents worth' and thought I'd share it. But please, before reading further, open The Age BLOG first:
I have to agree with it's sentiments of this response:
QUOTE: You said it yourself, Jack: nobody knows what "works". That creates a vacuum, and you know what happens with a vacuum? It fills up with bullshit theories.
And while a part of me says that anyone with a good story, $20K, a digital camera and a PC should be able to piece together an interesting movie these days, the fact that it so seldom happens probably indicates that it's harder than it looks. Or maybe it's just that nobody will distribute films like that. Or both.
Interesting to note that Nick Cave wrote The Proposition in a couple of weeks, and I'm fairly sure that the producer didn't bombard him with "notes". I suppose that shows that it doesn't have to follow the usual pattern.
Posted by: Phil H at January 31, 2007 4:54 PM :UNQUOTE
Personally, I would go out there and make my stories because a lot of my stories are character driven and low budget life episodes. And wearing another hat, I did my (short) stint as a small-time director, producer and writer, with one effort even winning an award for my cinematographer.
And these days, although I'm now in the enviable position of having the distinct possibility of raising the K20... owning the latest computer at home complete with the ability to edit/compile because I'd like to update my skills... having the complete luxury of the time to devote to film... OK, I don't have a camera but could get one... I choose not to make my own film but to just write them.
Why? Because I believe in the story!
But I also believe in collaboration - I believe in letting others add their skills - their magic to the mix. I recognize that in order to be good at something, total focus is required. I think I'm good at story. I've had a go at production, direction, even editing but enjoy writing stories the most. So now, I focus on story and I believe if I give my 100 per cent to the story, I should be able to produce something worth reading/seeing. I no longer have the ego which requires that I perform every role. I want to see what others will bring to my creation.
I also know that others will have to make their mark, its human nature to want to leave a footprint. I think the trick is finding fellow-collaborators who's footsteps are light, who dance carefully to the same tune as you do, who'll follow the choreographer and make the whole a Broadway showstopper.
I believe if we all have the same focus, the story will win.
But I also live in the real world and know that these days, it not about story anymore: money has become the focus. It's a crying shame, but unfortunately the truth.
So I'm trying to attract the one or two out there who actually want 'story', who know that in fact (light bulb) a good story is a money-maker!
In another dimension, I struggle to be a poet. Poetry has the same profile as film. The rare gems (not saying mine are) which exist amongst the rocks, when discovered have very few opportunities for others to pick them up and 'wear' them. There aren't many publishers willing to publish books which don't have a huge audience - again, it's all about the money.
Poetry is read by a very select few - a similar dilemma to independent film. So I have self-published my books to get them out to the reading world to diss or applaud because I believe in my poetry, have something to say and want to share it.
Now I'm putting my scripts 'out there' to diss or applaud because I really want to see what others can do with my words... hopefully I won't have to 'self-publish' them too!
May your Muse amuse...