RE: I swapped my motorbike for a painting

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RE: I swapped my motorbike for a painting

Topic posted in response to I swapped my motorbike for a painting :

Just read all the poems in Seans repertoire on here, and was moved, . Funnily enough, i was drawn to this one cos i was once bought a painting i really wanted by my (then) husband, who sold his bike to do so. Still got the painting, not the husband though. theres a poem in there somewhere.
anyway , i thought all these poems worthy of comment , and admiration.

Thanks anipani, and thanks for the email (which oddly came through as spam (!) for the first time on this email address). As one is drawn to, following praise, I had a look at your stuff which I've never caught before in my jaunts here. And -- at the risk of accusations of mutual backslapping -- I loved it, highlights being Keats, Van Morrison, Laundry Woman, and Journey on a Bus. Your wordier style is not dissimilar to mine ; I'm a huge fan of the ramblier muse. Thanks again, and Peace.
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