Call for submissions! Flash fiction & short stories
Oh, look, a shiny new literary journal. Yes, another one.
The editor explains: "Yes, another one. Shiny and new."
The editor elaborates: "Yes, well, we get our thrills from reading things that people who are better at writing than us write. With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to get lots of the best ones together and print them in a super sexy journal. We're hoping to make it more like a book in terms of size and quality, as we want it to be something that you want sneak into a quiet corner with and bask in unfettered word joy. Sort of like masturbation, but the kind god doesn't get so angry about that he feels the need to smite cute kittens. Plus after you can keep it in the kitchen and feel smug in the knowledge that it’s not on a coffee table."
I'm so happy I found out about this noble venture. How can I repay your forthcoming kindness?
"Buy lots of copies. And tell everyone you know who can write - and everyone they know. We're currently on the prowl for some words to put inside. In fact, that's quite important. Maybe I should have said that first."
Can anyone* submit some work?
“Oh yes. We don’t care if you’re fresh out of the box or have a formidable array of notches on your literary bedpost; if you send us something we love, we will find a place for it on our pages.”
Our trembling inbox awaits your word joy in quiet anticipation...
*please note that we reserve the right not to publish anything we don't adore
understated oddness usually make us happy
sentimental crap/shocking twists tend to make us squirm