Do You Remember Storyteller?

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Do You Remember Storyteller?

When I was growing up, in the 80's, I had a subscription to the Marshall Cavendish partwork magazine "Storyteller" and it taught me alot
about telling stories.

Does anyone else remember storyteller?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then
check out this website:

Hi I can see that I have read a lot of the fairy tales but never in Story Teller. I would never be able to tell fairy tales like those and I admire anyone who gives it an effort. I especially recall the ones by The Brothers Grimm and H.C. Andersen. I read them in the 60's and read them for my son in the 80's!!!When my youngest son was born in the 90's it was mainly Tintin and other comic characters that appealed to him.
Ahh! But did you listen to any of the stories on the website? You see, Story Teller was an audio-magazine. Each issue came with a tape and the stories were read by lots of famous british actors of the 80's. On the website are links to YouTube where each of the stories has been turned into a video using the original audio tape as a soundtrack. This is one of my favourite, the poem "Oliphaunt" by JRR Tolkien as read by Joss Ackland.
we wern't rich enough to have a magazine. sounds wonderful though!

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

Oh yes that is very good. My oldest son listened to tapes with childrens stories read by actors . These were in danish so I do know what you are talking about. We also have a variety of novels read loud on tapes they are called "soundbooks" . You can borrow them at libraries and hear a whole book. Any novel you like almost, contemorary authors as well. It is a great offer from the library don't you think? We also borrowed the children's books read loud at the library. Tintin we got on video tapes- it was really fun growing up with my kids you can imagine. ;-)) Often they fell asleep at night to the tapes.
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