So I kept wondering why all these stories had the words realize and color spelled wrong (realise) (colour) and then I see that this is a uk site. Ha ha. Anyone else on here from america? Just curious.
A small town in Pennsylvania, with lots of trees, grass and cows. :) I'm not real familiar with the that part of Europe? Sorry I'm horrible at geography
I should like to point out that the term is The Queens English, as the language native and unique to the British Isles in its origins.
The Americanisation of English came about after the Pilgrim Fathers left Plymouth Sound, therefore I put it to you that it is in fact your spellings that are incorrect and not ours.
Yes we are a part of Europe but to be honest I don't know why, we have the English channel between us and to my Knowledge are separate.
Wouldn't that be like claiming we are a part of The Americas after all it's only the Atlantic that keeps us apart?
Ha ha ha true Stan but didn't want to be called sexist by the ladies for saying Kings English ha ha ha .
Well true we did loose it once but all that loss made us more determined, we now hang on to our sovereignty with a little more gusto than previously afforded.
Eternal, we are a small insular and introspective island off the coast of mainland Europe. Many of the natives here fear a rabid dog (or rabid human) sneaking through the tunnel and infecting them. As for the queens English how can you justify the discrepancy between 'writing' and 'written"?
I always feel sorry for americans, not only are you incapable of coming up with your own language, you can't even copy the english language correctly. Your confusion of the word 'gas' for 'petrol' is just going to lead to trouble one of these days, and as for words like 'pants' and 'fanny', well heaven help us.
As for the spelling, so many 'z's in words like realize, is it just a way of cheating at scrabble?
Well I feel like I've had a nice history lesson on the UK. :) since my story is getting lots of positive feedback on this site maybe I'll look into publishing it in the UK first.
And our language is a little messed up. There are so many rules to follow. But alas its what I'm used to. Oh and I am a big scrabble fan.
Archie: America is in North America right below Canada.
Blimey...I love that word. :) I think the english language started in england during the anglo saxon period and since has spread to several other countries.
So the UK has parliment? My story might be more realistic to all of you then since it has lots of kings queens and castles.
How is the uk separated by states, territories?
The UK is divided into 60 million individual kingdoms, as every englishman and woman has their own castle, complete with moat and duck island. Most castles are bound by their own legislation, rules and punishments, in some castles it is even acceptable to use Americanisms.
You dog Stan! "Elsey's Barley Malt Vinegar - There's nobody Else's Like Elsey's" as the strap line used to go. As for slags and vinegar strokes - you ought to be ashamed!
I must say I have no idea what any of you are talking about anymore. Do you UKians have some sort of secret language? :) and I believe you all are being sarcastic about having so many castles. But u do have some, right? So are u all ruled by the queen of england and prince charles or whoever is next in line?
The Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth is more of a figurehead now, as most of the actual power is held by Parliment and the elected Government. She does have the power though to Vito any decision they make, until they formulate any plans she actually agrees with. So she in theory still has the last word on how the country is run.
The next in line to the Throne is Charles but many in this country think that it should be William, Charles has far too many skeletons in his cupboard to ascend the throne, Diana and her treatment being the main bone of contention.
I hope this clears up some of the confusion for our American cousins You All ?
Thanks clive. :) so its kinda like america where the president has the final say and can veto, but each individual state is lead by representatives, senators and a governor and only really "big" decisions involve the president.
So you said elected officials...does that mean u vote for them? Are you a democracy?
I am amazed at you asking that question, but I know that the American education system is geared up to have it's students believe, that the USA is the centre of the Planet .
Sorry to shock you but that's untrue, the USA was not the Birthplace of Democracy either also untrue. But I am not going to be a know it all I am going to let others enlighten you, I am also a little curious to see how many know the answer.
Like Stan the man says often the results are decided by the marginal constituencies (what you would call States we call Counties ). But that is only because far too many people do not bother to vote on Polling day,
Believing there meagre mark would not change anything, and they are right if it's not used it won't.
That's why for years we have been Govern'd by a two party system, because apathy is Great Britain's biggest enemy.
Here are a few other facts that Americans seem to get confused about .
Marconi did not invent Television, That was John Logi Baird a Scotsman.
Frank Whittle invented the Jet Engine and was not American He was British Luttterworth, England.
The very first moving picture were invented by William F Green a British inventor in Cambridge England, he also invented the first fast celluloid film too.
The list goes on Vertical take off aircraft, the hovercraft, and so so many other things.
But you did invent Star Trek even if the best actors in it were British .
I hope u don't think other americans are as dumb as me. I can write but I never claimed to be good at world history or geography. I also don't know if we are the birthplace of democracy but we are "the land of the free" :)
As for things being invented by americans don't you know we let other countries invent things then we take the credit. Even today, hardly anything is american made, I'm sure all my clothes were made in asia somewhere.
And what is "I don't give a toss?" Is that like "I don't give a crap" ???
I don't think you are Dumb Eternal, maybe a little miss informed but not dumb.
I would take a second look at saying you are the Land Of The Free, like any other country your Government tells you what is and is not acceptable, and you can not do as you please as neither can any of us.
I think that may be a now outdated concept, and maybe George Orwell was right after all. You do have the NSA, CIA, and countless other clandestine secret organisations attached to your Government as do we.
I am beginning to think that none of us are truly free any more. With CCTV on every corner Phone Tapping, an other countless methods of watching us, we are all potentially in some ones cross hairs ?
Also you are spot on with the translation of I don't give a Toss, and yet over here Toss means something quite different?. Typical of English language say one thing, mean another most confusing really .
Stan True they do have some of the genius's of literary to boast,but I was talking of those that actually made a difference to our ways and standards of living.
They also had Charles Manson, Bundy, oh and who could ever forget Sarah Pallin and Monica Lewenski ( sorry Monica if I miss spelt you name but Polish is not my strong suit )Bonnie and Clyde, Baby Face Nelson , Al Capone, Benedict Arnold ( No Stan that's Not Tom Arnold's Brother, and no Archie none of them had a wicker man or ate mud except possibly when they died).
But we had the Yorkshire Ripper , The Krays, Ronald Bigs, Jack The Ripper, Dirty Den ? so I guess we are even there.