The "New Sincerity". What is it about?

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The "New Sincerity". What is it about?

I'm always on the look out for 21st Century cultural trends and I recently came across alot of stuff on the web talking about something called "New Sincerity".

From what I gather it's 'anti-irony', "anti-cynical" and 'post-post modernism'. Does anyone know anything about it or know any examples of writers or artists
who could be described as falling into the category of "New Sincerity".

I think another name for it is Meta-Modernism.
Anti-irony, anti-cynical...? Whatever it is it's going to be a one minute wonder. Irony and cynicism are epoch survivors both.


Brilliant! As expounded in the TLS. Perhaps it's a return to pre-irony / pre-cynical, rather than progress to something new and wonderful. Could be a bit like a visit to the USA, which I find kind of refreshing and healing. Irony and cynicism surely have made their mark in the arts, though, and I wouldn't want that to disappear. Hope it isn't a fashion.

Parson Thru

Without cynicism, I would more probably be dead. I'm advocating a new movement 'The Secret Cynics'. When you join, you instantly feel a sense of dread and look shiftily over your shoulder. Then, you quit, because you think the other members are beneath you. Who's in?
That's it I quit.
Hey wait! I was the only member. I'm I beneath myself. I'm going away for a think.
It's the latest way to say- "I forgive you Mum..and Dad"
Tries unsuccessfully to look intelligent, but keeps looking shiftily over shoulder just in case...
Fed up of that stuffy feeling? Get new sincerity, and unblock that cynicism NOW! Also available in Lemon-Fresh.
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