Blogging- advice please!

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Blogging- advice please!

I'm looking to make a bit of extra cash in my spare time and I had the idea of blogging, as I believe it is called. Done in a creative writing style, on observations of things that have happened during the week or whatever, things that trigger memories and further discussion, perhaps even a good old rant from time to time. I believe these blogging sites are quite common now but I am unsure as to whether or not they can earn you money somehow. I just thought it could be another way of doing some writing and expressing myself, as well as making a little cash if people enjoyed it. My question is- does such a place exist? I mean, I know these sites can be accessed for free so why people would pay to read something I'm not sure- unless maybe one had already made a name for themselves etc. Anyway, does anyone have any experience of something like this- any links etc? Or if this is unlikely are there any other money making writing places/possibilities (excluding competitions). Any info or advice greatly appreciated! :)

Hi, I'm not sure on any specific sites, but it is theoretically possible to make money by blogging. The money is made through the advertisements on your blog page I believe. The problem is your blog would need to be very popular before you get said adverts. Worth a try though I think, I'm sure there is masses of info on the inter web (maybe too much?) about blogging. Best of luck, if you get it going post a link on here!
If anyone's writing is going to be well received yours is definitely an example. Good luck as allways Sundays.


I've never made a penny from my blog, but that's hardly surprising, since I've only got a handful of followers. But to be honest, I didn't start it to make money. I agree that the people who make money do it from advertising. There's a little bit of money to be made from writing 'fillers' for magazines etc. A short book review I wrote is due to be published in Take A Break Fiction Feast magazine next week. The Guardian Family section, published on a Saturday, uses various reader contributions, and pays for them. It's peanuts, but it all helps! Good luck.


Hello Sun...Child, The above advice is appropriate. Google for those paying poetry and/or short story sites accepting e-mail submissions. Some pay well, and some pay little. At least you will save postage going both ways. And stay away from the places that advertize payments of $1,000 - scams. They'll want you to buy their $69 book with your poem along with 1,200 others in it. Best wishes with your excellent poems. Richard
Richard L. Provencher
Hi SundaysChild. Doing a bit of a Corporal Jones here. I set up a site and a blog over a month ago. It won't make me any money, I don't expect, but it's another small step. It also allows you to have all your stuff in one easily reachable place. Income can come from either selling your stuff or advertising on the site if you can demonstrate a decent number of hits. Actually, it can come from anywhere within the limit of your imagination. If you are a performer you could set up readings and charge people. You get the picture. I bought a domain name ( and pay a modest amount for hosting. I built a site, but you don't have to, from which I link to the blog. The blog is an industry standard commercial one called Wordpress. Again a small fee, but seems a good service to me. I am hosted by Fasthosts. Seem ok, but there are plenty out there. It shouldn't cost you silly money, so don't pay it. Hope this (belatedly) helps.

Parson Thru

I have been following this thread with interest. Thanks for your contribution parsons, all good information. Did you 'build" your own website, if so how do you do that?


Hi scratch. I used the template-based tool that the service provider offers as part of the deal. Not difficult at all. I have a graphics package for preparing the images (Serif Photoplus) - again not expensive. Just that and a bit of time.

Parson Thru

Hi Sundays, I believe you can make money from your site, or blog, it's all about driving traffic and getting hits, I might be wrong but I think you get paid for advertising, I have a friend who would know more, if I out find any more info I'll let you know, it sounds like a good idea and I would be interested in doing something similar, just don't know what I'd say!! good luck and let us know what happens.


Hi all, I've come to this thread a bit late, but I think this site could be of interest: It's an example of a blog that apparently, according to the bloke who runs it, makes a fair bit of cash. He's a travel writer, but also offers some good advice on running an online business. You can subscribe to the blog for free, and get an email a couple of times a week with an article loosely based around 'The Art Of Non-Conformity'. He sells e-books and all sorts on there, which is where the money comes from, but he seems legit, so you might pick up a few pointers there. Good luck to all the above bloggers, I will certainly have a browse of yours, Parson Thru!
Ah, but your link doesn't seem to work PT!
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