Thatcher: Alive
Sat, 2013-04-20 21:53
Thatcher: Alive
She's still here. I can't face life without her. SAINT MARGARET!
No she's not, I drove a stake through her wicked heart and buried her under sixty feet of reinforced concrete.
Then you are a poor uneducated and deluded soul. I feel sorry for your ignorance.
I feel sorry for your neighbours having to watch you goose-stepping on your lawn dressed as an SS officer, running your mansion's central heating system on the corpses of the poor, and I feel even sorrier for you when you were at public school spread-eagled across a desk in the naughty room.
I'm from Barnsley. My father was a miner. He brought me up to be self-reliant. I despise privalage. You are pathetic.
That was aimed at Walrus by the way. Wharra tit!
I've just hitch hiked a thousand miles following the route of Bonnie Prince Charlie's army from the Highlands to Derby and back to Inverness. I'm very tired.
There was nothing to stop him. He wanted to go on but his advisors believed a government double agent who said there was a huge army between Derby and London. There wasn't. Can you believe there were six thousand heavily armed Highlanders just 100 miles from London?If he'd kept walking the whole of British, European and possibly world history would have been completely different. I've been in love with this story since I was fourteen. I'm fifty-five.
I bet Bonnie Prince Charlie is really kicking himself that he didn't think of hitchhiking, as that way he might have made it to London and not given up at Derby. He could have bought a Mind The Gap T-shirt, gone and seen the premier of the Mousetrap and all for under a pound.
World history is a very fickle thing. If those butterflies hadn't fluttered their precious wings at that precise moment then we'd all be sitting with tea-cosies on our heads singing Hallelujah.
Or would we?
Stan, I respect your view. I disagree. I hope we can still be friends.
I, on the other hand, I assume, am ignorant and you wouldn't want me as a friend.
Great comment, Stan.
We all know you're too humanitarian to mean it.
No, you'd get a medal - and if you crucify one you get a thousand pound bonus from the Labour party.
Yes. I'm as left wing a Tory as you can get. I've only had two fights in my life, both against rascists. I got arrested for fighting the EDL. Tory does not mean bad person. But I'm still a Tory.