Waterstones Hot Hundred - a free for all game
Sat, 2017-11-25 09:45
Waterstones Hot Hundred - a free for all game
It's peasyeasy! Invent a book title and synopsis that could make the Hot Hundred or even the Top Ten at Waterstones this looming Xmas.
Gotta admit my offering is hard to beat...
Hygge with Pygge by Elsina van Katzsteen
Hug a pig for feelgood! Warm and fuzzy holistic wellbeing. For those of us, including the motivational inspirational lifestyle author, who do not live on a farm - use your initiative and draw up that inner child. Yarn bomb or crochet a pig and eat it on St Stephens, Yule or Twelth Night. The same can be done with marzipan.
I am not in a position to award prizes but you will up your hygge no end if you have a go.