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can't find morwennas poems, really liked them. but then i can get lost in a supermarket these days! and spritely elephant if you're listening we don't want to hear about you, you, you clever tho you are so amusing. i'm a size 10 (IQ that is!).

Anonymous's picture
Dear cupcake THANKYOU Explanation Got lots of sticking plaster signs. Tried to start again and deleted everything in process. Now can't find it either ;0) Am trying to register again
Anonymous's picture
thanks for re-posting, really enjoyed reading them again.
Anonymous's picture
I can't get your Life's an Omelette and Chasing the Sun out of my head
Anonymous's picture
Morwenna stuff under Fey_mouse now. How come you've no email address?
Anonymous's picture
hi morwenna. didnt put email as am still not too well with and cant keep up with my emails/letters as it is! when i'm better will put one on. your poetry is really talented-have you had a collection published yet?
Anonymous's picture
A very distant cousin of mine has M.E. She's much better now, but it's grim. Your writing's so strong.
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
cupcake rocks!
Anonymous's picture
A good friend of mine has ME too - it's a devastating illness. I wish you all the best, Cupcake. Chin up, girl!
Anonymous's picture
several decades later...thanks fey et al for your thoughts, sure i'll get have SOH somedays...hmm.happy writing.
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