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Anonymous's picture
There is an option Missi, to configure Zone Alarm to allow certain progs access......Ive never had a moments trouble with it, tho I must confess, I dont use audiogalaxy to play my mp3's..... I don't know why youve had such difficulties with it, I've found it the best and simplest firewall around. Oh, and most effective too :o))
panic not
Anonymous's picture
jim hacker is a character from yes prime minister. of course the email is a dummy. it's a joke post with a joke name. there is no hacker. there were 4 or 5 people on last night messing about using pretend names and having fun. apart from tis scally. his were real posts. but he is not a hacker. lighten up and stop spreading panic. who mentioned hacker in the first place? oh yeah, I remember now.
Anonymous's picture
I did allow Audiogalaxy access Liana, but that wasn't the problem, I couldn't get an updated version to install. It apparently caused a kernel problem. I eventually got on to the site through the back door so to speak and found other users had a problem also, only cured by uninstalling Zone Alarm. I don't think Zone Alarm itself is the problem, it's more a case of combinations of certain programs, of which ZA is one, installed on the same machine. I don't use AG to play mp3's , I use it to d/l stuff. The prog. I use for playing is called Music Cafe, a really simple but effective player. When there are conflicting progs. it's very difficult to know which one is causing the problem, the only effective way of finding out is to uninstall everything and reload them one at a time checking inbetween. To be honest I can't be arsed!
Anonymous's picture
It is unlikely that there is a hacker at large....granted. I don't think anyone is deliberately spreading panic, not everyone is tech savvy. If it makes people aware that there are idiots around, with nothing better to do, then its not a bad thing. Most people think that their PC's are unlikely to be hacked into - actually a myth. As Andrew said on another thread, its likely to be a tech problem resulting from the update on Thursday. and anyway, as I said, its always a good idea to have a basic firewall installed, if you value your system. I cant afford to replace mine. The thing thats pissing me off about the whole thing, is the stupid @!#$ 'ers that are using fake names all the time. Know what I mean? Missi - sorry about the problems with zone alarm.......hope you find one that works for you.
Anonymous's picture
It ain't them that hide behind fake names that's bothering me. It's the clout to change your ISP provider that's the sticker in my old throat. Come on now think about it, that's how we all know basically whois and whoain't around here. Believe me I did a course and I was gobsmacked, (yes it does happen), when I realized how easy it was to gain access into your computer. Doom and Gloom, forget it, get real. PS Liana I also use Zone Alarm, excellent. Like I said use your e-mail when posting, answer only the real ones and dump that bl...y hacker. AJ
Anonymous's picture
It ain't them that hide behind fake names that's bothering me. It's the clout to change your ISP provider that's the sticker in my old throat. Come on now think about it, that's how we all know basically whois and whoain't around here. Believe me I did a course and I was gobsmacked, (yes it does happen), when I realized how easy it was to gain access into your computer. Doom and Gloom, forget it, get real. PS Liana I also use Zone Alarm, excellent. Like I said use your e-mail when posting, answer only the real ones and dump that bl...y hacker. AJ
Anonymous's picture
um, aj.... we all have the same server addy now. that isn't a hacker at work trust me. as andrew and I said yesterday, it's more to do with the abc servers and their web hosting set up which, I believe, has recently changed. mississippi, gosh I hadn't spotted that in my post. aj, I don't know who 'geezer' was nor 'I, anal' but I was A J Simpson in the above thread just having a bit of fun with you. don't worry. I'll see myself out.
Anonymous's picture
You're slipping storms....... I Anal is an easy one......
Anonymous's picture
I don't think many people here use their real name anyway do they? Cos actually I do!
Anonymous's picture
errr ... bint?
Anonymous's picture
Missi you would never refer to women in a derogatory way, come on! I know you better than that. A perfect Gent you are. :o)
Anonymous's picture
Um...beautiful, charming, attractive, witty, intelligent, undustrious person of the female persuasion? (where'd you get 'bint' from, Fish?) (wasn't aware that 'bloke' was derogatory. I do apologise most sincerely. Shall never pass me lips again. I shall, in future, refer to 'em as 'brokes')
Anonymous's picture
blokette? bintlette?
Anonymous's picture
I don't know about 'perfect' or even 'gent' Liana but perhaps you're right about not being derogatory. I have the highest respect and affection for women and believe they should reciprocate. I find women referring to men as 'blokes' mildly insulting, it seems that these days it's become de rigueur to be disrespectful to men in general. How sad! 'Bint' , I feel is a horrible word, I wouldn't use it to describe anybody, not even someone I didn't care for.
Anonymous's picture
I don't think of "bloke" as being too derogatory ...but then l'm not a bloke, so it's not my place to say. But the word "bloke" tends to be prefaced with good words like "great" or "smashing". there are, unfortunately many more insulting terms to describe women, in common usage, than there are to describe men, and usually much fouler words too. You're right though Missi, man bashing seems to be popular these days to an extent that it never has before.
Anonymous's picture
'Bint' means beam, joist or truss in Clogspeak. Does that help in any way...?
Anonymous's picture
I was thinking how good a word it would be for those annoying bobbly bits of wool that pop up on a jumper the third time you wear it. Those little bint removers never work!!!
Anonymous's picture
Concise Oxford Dictionary bloke: noun. dull or rustic person
Anonymous's picture
aww...shame. Still. Bit like this: Shag: noun. Matted tangle of hair. General usage alters words often making them - derogatory!!!!!!
Anonymous's picture
But it's a completely asexual word Liana!
Anonymous's picture
Mangled tangle of hair sounds just about right... Oh, sorry, matted...yeah.
Anonymous's picture
Hi Missi, Missed ya. How about lady?? AJ
Anonymous's picture
Yep, its asexual, but it's vile, a thought commonly shared between me and some mates, maybe we're the exception though? It gives a horrible visual image (dont even think about it!!) of someone being "given a good seeing to" - bleurgh. It's the type of phrase that (sorry Stormy, but you are not the average stereotypical builder) your average stereotype builder uses, as in "Lesbian? What she needs is a dammned good shagging" Foul!!
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
The bits of fluff are "Lint" Liana, perhaps why you thought bint would be an appropriate word. I think that 'bloke' is a word where the everyday use has been away from the derogatory - most people use it in a friendly or praising way. I wouldn't call someone I didn't like a 'bloke'. To me, it suggests someone reliable, someone you're fond of and who is more mature than a 'lad'. And if being called a 'bloke' is the worst excess of the language towards men, I can't help but feel we're getting off lightly.
Anonymous's picture
No Andrew, l was crossing "bobble" and "Lint" And it is definitely now in my family dictionary. :o)
Anonymous's picture
Hmmm, yes, you're right, Andrew. I can certainly think of a lot worse. Wanna hear them...?
Anonymous's picture
Well if ain't the Doncaster Dowager! How you doing sweetie? I like to call all of the contrary sex 'ladies' but now and again I have to settle for 'woman', I'm sure you know what I mean!
Anonymous's picture
Funny the way language changes through the generations isnt it? I'd much rather be called a Woman than a Lady.
Anonymous's picture
Doncaster Dowager? Sweetie? Ladies? Women? What *is* the dear chap on about?
Anonymous's picture
*Offers apologies to offended Liana and mates and promises not to use said vile word again* Andrew, perhaps my sensibilities are a little more delicate than yours!
Anonymous's picture
Know what I mean?
Anonymous's picture
Nudge nudge
Anonymous's picture
Dunno Andrea, could probably do with some counselling!
Anonymous's picture
I know Liana, I was going to say that but then it struck me that it might not have been you, although it did 'sound' like you. I just wanted to reassure aj that it was me and not a terrorist hacker attack.
Anonymous's picture
Think 'bird' is probably the equivalent of 'bloke?
Anonymous's picture
Hi Missi, Don't know if I missed ya so much now. Doncaster Dowager, come on now, I is a lady, and you know that!! I AM ALSO ALL WOMAN. As you also know!! Could be you are just the ordinary 'bloke' after all. I thought better, but some you win, some you lose. AJ
Anonymous's picture
Nah...bird (not used much these days) was a more sexual thing wasnt it? Bloke is pretty bland....
Anonymous's picture
Hey Jackie, not so fast honey, O.E.D dowager: dignified lady I also know you are a very spirited and passionate woman about a lot of things. I have the highest respect for you.
Anonymous's picture
I dunno Liana...bird is still used a fair bit I think. It's lost most of it's sexual-1980's-chauvenism-tint and is just a generic term for women... at least around where I am. I suppose it does still have some derogatory uses though - mainly as an adjective ( eg "Bird-Pint" for a beer with too much head, "Bird-throw" for throws that only go as far as that arm-bent-in-the-middle throwing thing that girls do, "Bird-Bloke" for a bloke who's got a new girlfriend and disappears from public life to spend all his time with her... that type of thing :) )
Anonymous's picture
Used to be used a lot in the 60s. Liver Birds, dollybird, gamebird (no, joking!) remember? Carnaby Street, Twiggie, The Shrimp, Bailey, Quant an' all that? No, you probably don't...groan (well, a bit before my time an' all). Wasn't derogatory, though, just used to describe long-legged ladies in minis and thigh-length leather boots (down, boys!). Can't remember what the male version was called. Turned into 'chicks' in the guys remember that?
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Missi, Grumpy OLD dowager, me thinks. Forgive me. PS I LIKE BLOKES, nought wrong with 'em. Now MEN are often the proverbial pain in the a..e. PPS I'm a bit thick, as you know but what does O.E.D. stand for?? PPPS Is it a naughty private joke maybe?? AJ
Anonymous's picture
Other Educational Devices, AJ. (Oxford English Dictionary)
jim hacker
Anonymous's picture
I love this anonymosity. all these years I have had a label. How I envied the poxyaol clan. now we are all even cliched playing fields if they aren't all sold off in the name of new third way socialism. "coming prime minister!"
Anonymous's picture
Aw shucks, and there was me getting all hot and bothered, (well you know when you get to that GRAND dowager status you have to take your pleasures where you can get 'em!!) AJ
Anonymous's picture
Oxford English Dictionary The male version is 'Transvestite' Andrea! Oh sorry, I thought you meant long legs, minis and thigh length boots!
Anonymous's picture
Missi Down boy, down boy. AJ
Anonymous's picture
Fella's OOOh it's soooo sixties! But I was just a "babe" at the time (another one) so I dont remember the term :o)
Anonymous's picture
Really Jackie? And you know my track record!
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
I had no idea that "bloke" was even mildly derogatory. I've always heard it used in the same way as someone might use "mate" or "guy." On the other hand, I only hear the word "git" used in a negative way, such as "ignorant git" "stupid git" "effing old git" and similar. I would probably prefer to be referred to as a bloke than as a mate. Mate sounds like either a "spouse" or "significant other" (another 70's term: the decade that taste and brains forgot) or some kind of silly sports term that weekend football wannabes use in the locker room. If you want to use a little Polish, you could call a woman a "baba." This could roughly be translated as "broad" in American English, as in "old broad" dumb broad" "fat broad" etc. However, it is not necessarily an entirely negative thing: an old baba might not be someone you want to spend a lot of time being around, but they are extremely effective in getting things done. It might also be used as a term of endearment, but that could be a bit dangerous.


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