How Things Change...

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How Things Change...

How things change since childhood…. remember the ad that went “if you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club”?
Anyone seen a Jacobs’s club these days? They’re practically see through. No nibbling huge chunks of choc of the side now….
Dave Randall and I were bemoaning this fact in a rather the worse for wear state last night…. And how wagon wheels have shrunk… And where the hell did Bar 6’s get to? Far superior to Kit Kats at the time.

Another thing….anyone remember Vesta Curries? Available from the shop at the corner of the road, about five packets of powdery stuff and a transparent pack of rock hard prawn cracker things to deep fry…..all bundled together in a box with a fetching Asian girl with a brolly on the front….
Anything else?

Anonymous's picture
...we used to go every thursday evening...the club was run by the church so snogging was frowned still went on of course....bud sadly little martin was too shy to get involved... also remember Friday night YMCA discos in the late 70s in Bath, top tune, Lynard Skynard, "Free Bird" which we headbanged to......could never quite get my hair ling enough....watchful mum and hippy hating dad!! and asking your mate to ask a girl for a dance..and the horror at being refused...once because I wasn't a punk....the evidence was all there....denim jacket, rainbow and Black Sabbath patches....(shrinks in embarrassment) .....well it was before I discovered New Order and the Undertones...
tom saunders
Anonymous's picture
Free Bird. That guitar solo goes on for-bloody-ever.
Anonymous's picture
Power cuts, yes, and the baby boom that followed nine months later... Sugar shortage - I remember that - hordes of sugar junkies suddenly materialised on the Dutch shores to stock up, bit like today, but a different product...Oh, those were the days! Wasn't there a bog paper shortage, too? Ah, how the mind wanders...'ve gotta what, Missus? A tape or a chopper to spare? It makes a difference, you know. Do try to be clear about these things, there's a good chap.
Anonymous's picture
What are you short of?
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Liana - there is a good conspiracy story about 8 tracks. The guy that invented them had never done anything of consequence until he reported having been abducted by a UFO. A year later, he had invented the 8 track, and moved into the aircraft industry, designing very cutting-edge aircraft engines... The story does involve you believing :- a)in UFOs and b) that aliens can master interstellar travel, but not come up with a good way of listening to music on the way.
Anonymous's picture
... or do they?
Anonymous's picture
in respect of the subject How Things Change, what do we mean by change?
Anonymous's picture
*nods wisely* good question my friend ... perhaps we need to look at the change in things ... or maybe the things in change?
Anonymous's picture
the change in things needs, i feel, a properly defined start point and end point. to a degree, there is no *plus majeure domest* in either the things in change, or the change in things.
Anonymous's picture
indeed robert ... you are quite correct ... but how is it possible to define either the start OR the finish point particularly in this fin de siecle literary and artistic climate of sophistication, world-weariness, and fashionable despair???
Anonymous's picture
Bikes ? Choppers ? Racers ? You lot were spoilt. Didn't you ever make a trolly ? It was a plank of wood with an old pram wheel at each corner and a length of string to steer with. You needed a good mate to push you. Joy. I saw a kid lose his kneecap when he used his leg for a brake. Maybe that's why kids don't make 'em any more. Jubleys. The Epilogue. Standing up for The National Anthem at the cinema. Two Way Family Favourites Wakey Waaaakey. Corona Pop. Listening to Radio Luxembourg under the bedclothes. We could be here for ever. Ah bliss. I used to live in a cardboard box in t'road.
Anonymous's picture
of course it is quite impossible to define, unless we use more temporal parameters. isn't the fin de siecle argument, necessarily, over?
Anonymous's picture
but i think robert that the parameters need to be temporally contiguous ... and i do take your point about the fin de siecle argument but do you not agree that plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose?
Anonymous's picture
Luxury! We lived, all 10 of us, in paper bag, in middle of peatbog! Now then, Missus, to whom were you referring? Can't follow this intellectual discussion at all...
Anonymous's picture
there is convenience in such an argument, fish, which should be embraced with some thinking of the sacre agent. do other contributors think that there is a danger of the change becoming greater and smaller than it's subject?
Anonymous's picture
another fine question robert ... i think we ought to let the other contributors answer that one for themselves ... (and hope that eric does not read your last posting too closely ...)
Anonymous's picture
hahahahahahahah i am sure eric will appreciate the irony
Anonymous's picture
said robert, hastily covering his back....
Anonymous's picture
Hah! It's all in the 'its'... See, I ain't so stoopid, after all.
Anonymous's picture
Can't think anybody thought you were stupid Andrea, now if Robert and Fish would return to planet earth along with the rest of us perhaps the discussion about change could re-join the realms of normality. It was you Andrea that I was addressing re the 'what are you short of?' Did you really have a paper bag AND a peat bog?
Anonymous's picture
Jubblies rocked!! Rememeber Wham bars with the fizzy stuff inside? Space dust Arrrgghh.... loverly! Tip-tops, rocket lollies, flying saucers, swizzle dips, mushrooms, chewing gum footballs, white mice, white choc fish n' chips, fish and chips crisps!! cherry days....aaarhhhh.... "poodle" socks, fingerless gloves, blue eyeliner, fake beauty spot, wet look hair.....
John L
Anonymous's picture
I remember Jubblies, Andrea - did you wait for 'em to melt, then drink 'em or did you just cut the corner off then suck all the orange colour out of the sticky-out bit? Me? Obviously, I cut corners and sucked like mad. Always was an impatient boy.
Anonymous's picture
Yep, I sucked, too... Missus, you really don't wanna know...
Anonymous's picture
.......feels quite faint.....
henri bergson
Anonymous's picture
robert's powerful thought train has left me quite extended. but whether that is greater than the unextended is the matter in hand.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
....asks fish to unclench her fist and breathe again....she was turning quite crimson....
Anonymous's picture
*bitter hollow laugh*
Anonymous's picture
did I say something wrong?
Anonymous's picture
...rushes to shield Henri from the wrath of fish....
Anonymous's picture
cadbury's cream eggs are DEFINITELY much smaller ... i bought a Vesta Curry ... just a few weeks ago ... it was on Special Offer for 50p at the Happy Shopper ... someone made it one night and it was rank ... it made the house smell for days too ... llama says a Vesta Curry was the first curry she ever made ... it was FULL of sultanas ... llama also says you can't get iced gem biscuits in boxes which is a shame ... and do they still make Cheese Footballs? ... and she says all the eggs used to be white ...
Anonymous's picture
I remember when Polos were 10 pence and a can of coke was 18 pence. And chocolate bars were definately much bigger back then. So why am I fatter now?
Anonymous's picture
I remember when i used to have after my name, that was in the days before we were all whoc'ed!
Tom Saunders
Anonymous's picture
Yes, Wagon Wheels were huge when I was a kid. And sickly. They came in paper packets you could collect and send of for prizes - can't remember what they were. That's right, Vesta curries with noodles. Very adventurous eating in those days. I must have been ten or eleven before I tasted a mushroom. Other questions: Why did they stop making coffee cream walnut whips? Didn't Cadbury's chocolate have a completely different, and unique, flavour once upon a time? Now it tastes just like all the rest.
Anonymous's picture
...and why does chocolate now come in wrappers with the contents listings in arabic?
Anonymous's picture
Can't taste a thing anymore, 'cos I SmokeTooMuch Anyone remember jubbly's?
Anonymous's picture
what about bazooka (?) bubble gum? ... great big pink things they were ... they had a little cartoon strip round them and you could save the packets and send them off for things like spy watches and invisible pens and stuff ...
Anonymous's picture
Lidl's have GREAT chocolate...particulary the plain bars with almonds in..... *drooling*
Anonymous's picture
Oh a long-time ex-pat I'm afraid I still have a weakness for Cadburys - p'robly 'cos it's almost impossible to get hold of... Dutch choccy is crap.
Anonymous's picture
...when i was a little'un I had a Chipper, ones that were littler than me had the tomahawk, and the bigger boys had the chopper, which had a longer seat, and gears and made you the coolest kid on the estate....they don't make them like they used to... also liked curly wurlys, Whizzer 'n Chips comic, black jacks and refreshers..... green flash dunlop daps/plimsolls, whatever they were called, doc martens (still wear those though) abc cinema club on a Saturday morning....Flash Gordon, Champion the a silver arrow racing from a bow, like a mighty cannon ball.... bring 'em all back...
Anonymous's picture
I had a concorde, but wanted a chopper. mum said they werent ladylike, but i could have some streamers on the handlbars, and buttons in the spokes... it wasnt the same *gloom*
Anonymous's picture
...we used to put playing cards on the spokes of the wheels to make a satisfying buzzing sound when you rode quickly........*falls into a nostalgia-induced stupor*.....
Anonymous's picture
*wishes you were in my gang*
Liana's Mum
Anonymous's picture
not likely, youd've been on his chopper like a flash gel...
Anonymous's picture
'Ere, your mum's a bit of a one, ain't she, Liana? Preferred the Lone Ranger meself...that mask! That horse! Thise Y-fronts, clearly visible through his silver panties... *wonders why Superman always wore his y-fronts outside his trousers*
Anonymous's picture
i HAD a chopper! ... my dad gave it to my cousin richard who fitted it with drop handlebars ... and even tho i had a swanky new 10 speed purple racing bike i mourned my chopper ... i mourned it recently when i saw one for sale in a retro poseur shop in leicester for hundreds of whole english pounds ...
Anonymous's picture
Wish I had a chopper...sigh.
Anonymous's picture
anyone else fondly remember the power cuts ... the scramble for candles in the cupboard under the sink ...
Anonymous's picture
and what about when there was no sugar? and didnt ITV and BBC go on strike for ages too?
tom saunders
Anonymous's picture
I had a Triumph Palm Beach Tourist. A good bike though poor in double entendres. It had a Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear change, slow, slower and where's everyone gone? I used to put a lolly stick in the spokes to make it sound like a spectacularly crap motor-bike. In the end someone stole it from outside Grange Park youth club. I was inside in the "coffee bar" drinking cold Nescafé from a plastic cup and listening to the Everly Brothers sing Cathy's Clown.


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