New Naomi Klein book

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New Naomi Klein book

I've just finished reading Fences and Windows.

It's a series of articles, essays and speeches that Klein's written since No Logo looking at the development of the so-called 'anti-globalisation' movement.

I feel similarly to the way I did about No Logo in that I think Klein's a very good journalist and is good and giving you a picture of a situation and making complicated things comprehensible.

There's very good longer pieces about the Zapatistas and the World Social Forum

On the other hand, I don't really rate her political analysis. Her ideas don't seem to go much further than the belief that a political movement can congregate around a vague idea of more democracy (whatever that means) and being a bit nicer to each other.

Has anyone else read either book?

BabbleBot 2000
Anonymous's picture
"I think Klein's a very good journalist and is good and giving you a picture of a situation and making complicated things comprehensible." Unlike you then David!
david floyd
Anonymous's picture
Completely unlike me, I couldn't tolerate the indignity of being labelled as a journalist. Although maybe I could get a job and the Grauniad.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I'm mid-way through the new one. Seems to me that what Klein does manage to do is articulate the feeling that a lot of people have of 'this is wrong, we ought to do something, but we're not really sure what that something is' - once the Democrats and Labour party start to pander to big business, politics is out as a force for limiting capitalism and protecting citizens against the (understandable) wish of businesses to expand and maximise profits. I think maybe the demonstators were getting somewhere before all the press labelled them trouble-makers and anarchists, thus obscuring the issues and putting off fairly law-abiding folk like me from turning up to demos to get tear-gassed. It's a bit of an achievement these days to make anyone feel strongly about what is right and wrong, so I applaud Klein for that, even if I don't always agree with what she believes to be right and wrong.
Anonymous's picture
On a similar topic, have a look at Micheal Moore's new book 'Stupid White Men'. It's very funny, and oddly empowering. When I read it I started walking with a swagger, feeling like I could DO something.
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