Short Story People and Poets; a site that might be worth checking out

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Short Story People and Poets; a site that might be worth checking out

Unlikely Stories: A Collection of Literary Art

Here it is. I've left this a while but these guys liked my stuff and put it up a year or so ago. The editor is a guy named Jonathan Penton.. and a very nice man too. Here's the URL-

PLEASE check out the submissions guideline before you want to submit. I think you can email Jonathan directly with any queries. Anyway ..all the info is on there. And if you're not bothered about submitting just read some of the stuff.. I just finished having another browse.. some really good stuff.. especially poetry-wise. Let's bridge that Atlantic gap.

Anonymous's picture
I have written many stories can you help me get them published please
andoru odoneru
Anonymous's picture
Try the site above Charles. Apart from that the Writers and Artists Yearbook in the U.K.. Poet's/Short Story Market in the U.S.. and tons and tons of people on the net.. Ask at your local library? I am not the best person to talk to.. coz the list is endless.. but good luck to you.
Anonymous's picture
you just have to send copies of your stories to publishers like faber and faber or puffin, depending on what type of stories they are. If a publisher likes one of your stories they'll get intouch with you, but it can take a while so be patient...
Anonymous's picture
faber and faber... *drool* if only...
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