Print-OnDemand ~ I have done it!!!

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Print-OnDemand ~ I have done it!!!

Don't be disheartened! Keep honing your writing. Someone will just love it and you'll never look back. But if you get sick of waiting - you can always try (Offset Paperback Manufactuers - Print ON Demand) who will do an on-line quote and there is no obligation.
Surprise yourself. Try it. Put in the number of pages with the minimum (20 books) copies and see how little it will cost to have a paperback in your hand. Of course the quote is without freight.
I have very recently published my own book of poetry 'Hidden Capacity ~ a poet's journey' at very low cost, all done on the net and I am very, very happy with the quality. The book looks great! I did it all myself through the net... submitted via email... paid with my credit card... so investigate. You'll be very surprised. Even if you just print some for your family. You can also use it as a very effective promotional tool to sell your book!
Good luck with your writing.

Anonymous's picture
Thanks for info and good luck
david floyd
Anonymous's picture
Seems to be a US site which could cause various issues. That's a shame because, having tried out the instant quote thing, it is actually genuinely good value, a hundred copies of a 40 page poetry worked out at the equivalent of under £1 per copy.
Anonymous's picture
Thank you for putting us on to this. I think it's a wonderful thing. I think it would be a nice gift for the family
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