Well reviewed PoD novel by ABCtaler now available to conventional publisher

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Well reviewed PoD novel by ABCtaler now available to conventional publisher

My political romantic comedy, "Saving the Word and Being Happy (The Computer Ager)" (ISBN 141371756x), which was first posted on ABCtales.com and complimented by several ABCtalers including Tony Cook, (http://www.abctales.com/node/26572) has now generated many good reviews and feature articles (http://hometown.aol.co.uk/Rericswan/reviews.html). I have also had several radio interviews.

With this coverage obtained I approached my print-on-demand publishers and pointed out to them that if books initially published by them went on to mainstream success it would counter a lot of the criticism to which they (and other PoD publishers) are subject. They have just agreed to release me from the contract with no penalty should I find another publisher. I am delighted.

I believe "Saving the World and Being Happy" is unique as it combines a humorous romantic comedy with a researched analysis of the present dire state of the world, offering a strategy for uniting the political left and taking control of the planet back from the anti-democratic short-term-profit-oriented multinationals. Have a look at some of the media coverage to learn more: http://hometown.aol.co.uk/Rericswan/reviews.html

If you know anyone who might be interested in publishing this genre-buster please get in touch. Free copies are available to potential reviewers and publishers. Copies of reviews and interviews can also be supplied.