Indecision by luigi_pagano

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Indecision by luigi_pagano

I've had enough of all this talk about protocol. If anyone wants to self-flag, let long as they understand the (potential) consequences - I'm capable of ingoring that which I don't wish to see.

So instead, I'd like to flag this little poem by luigi_pagano:

Its so simple yet i think it capures a sentiment most of us have felt one time or another. I'm not sure about the use of the word "ironic" (would it really be ironic?) but i really liked it on the whole. Nice.

actually i liked it very much but would love to see some *white space* to let the poem (and the mind) breathe... Perhaps it would work well as a *concrete poem* with inventive handling...

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

thats sad!

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

Anonymous's picture
Concrete poetry? I had to look it up - this time on 1 entry found for concrete poetry. concrete poetry n. Poetry that visually conveys the poet's meaning through the graphic arrangement of letters, words, or symbols on the page.
it always makes me t hink of concrete blocks.. but infact there are some lovely poems out there... that look better for it.. i tried to do one once in the shape of a bucket :) HOwever there are some that are much more original that that, try Dan Weber for instance..

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

I am much obliged to all who took the time to read this light piece and comment. I would however reassure the purists about the word 'ironic'. One of the definitions in Collins English dictionary gives the following: irony = a situation or result that is the direct opposite of what was expected or intended. From my point of view that seemed the correct term to use.


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