put me in your pocket

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put me in your pocket


this conveys a wedding without mushiness, well deserving of the cherry.



And there was silly me thinking it was all about Cinderella. Just goes to show!


wedding, cinderella still lovely. esp. the man who smiled the most remembered the way the light had spilt over her collar bone and shook his head. Juliet


This poem is like a pocket-sized Great Gatsby. The collarbone line gave me goosebumps. Yes.
the man who smiled the most remembered the way the light had spilt over her collar bone and shook his head. supplies the intrigue - collarbone shivers here too Joel, a very effective hook to all we are not told - enjoyed your poem x


Thank you very much for your kind comments. I was watching 'High Society' at the time and it sort of wrote itself, which poetry hardly ever does for me. Maybe it was the combined coolness of Frank and Bing that did it... lib
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