mythcraft by bigfish

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mythcraft by bigfish

Hobbit-inspired delight from this 10 year old girl.


thank you for the comment although i am not a girl but a boy. BigFish
Aha! You beat me to it! I was just double checking that myself :) Apologies. Keep up the good work. Hear my music:

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

AMAZING STUFF!! Are you sure you're only 10?? Wow - what a future you have in front of you if you keep writing like this. You obviously enjoy writing. It shows in every word. Love all the names like Hopplekins and Grunfle, Eqin and Sanene. Quite an imagination you have there - make sure you keep on sharing it with ABC!


I too am totally amazed at how good you are considering your age! Is one of your parents a teacher or a writer, BigFish?
My mums a teacher but she also writes on this website under the username juliet. Anyway thanks for the comment and i hope you read the following chapters.
Thanks for your reply, BigFish. I bet your mum is really proud of you! I continue to be astonished and astounded...
BigFish your writing is incredible for your age, I'm gobsmacked.
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