Chewing-gum Tree by Jonesy

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Chewing-gum Tree by Jonesy

I enjoyed this Jonesy and I think 'George' would like it too but he'd be heartbroken at the ending! Ty SSS

Sorry - that was the wrong link should have been:-


Thanks for the flag Silver Sun! It's not a sad ending if you hate trees like I do - nasty, oxygenating monsters all smug about their green leaves and their photosynthesis. Burn them all down I say!

if you want to buy my book then you can get it here:
Pretty please!

Did I say Silver Sun? I meant Silver Spun. Ahem.

if you want to buy my book then you can get it here:
Pretty please!

That's quite OK Jonesy - I quite like 'Silver Sun' - it's got a nice sparkle about it! TySSS


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