Mushrooms by PoetJude

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Mushrooms by PoetJude

i read this a couple of days ago, but it has stayed with me eversince. The fairground scene is full of vivid imagery, very poetic (no surprise there). The ending i found comforting but not sentimental.

I don't know whether you have done so but i would love to read some longer prose, more story like rather than autobiographical.


Hi Juliet, Thank you for your comments. This was a re-draft and it was a simple case of tidying up the typos, punctuation and tense conflicts rather than any new inspiration. The question you pose is one I've been giving much thought to lately. I haven't written any novella, short story type pieces. Wiith one or two exceptions, all my prose creations are observations or autobiography and whilst are not strictly prose-poems they certainly have a very poetic feel to them. My hesitation in experimenting is I feel that I lack the creative stamina needed but then this could just be paranoia! I also lack the technical skills needed to write longer fiction. This is not simpering is stark fact! Finally, the urgency to write a novel (or even short stories) isn't with me. I have a career I really enjoy and I have no dream of giving it up to be a full-time writer even if I could. Whilst I strive for improvement and quality, there is no distant railway station called 'Made It' for me. This affords me the luxury of relaxing back and enjoying what I do, namely poetry, for the sheer sake of it, but I do not rule out longer prose one day! jude


i think i feel the same way about poetry, though i love to read it and have dabbled it doesn't excite me in the same way as getting into a story. I don't fall asleep with a poem buzzing in my head but the next part of a story. I enjoy your poetry PJ, i was just interested in reading something longer as you have a poetic style that i would love to see stretched in a longer piece. I'm not sure what i dream for in terms of writing, i too do a job i really love but i guess i would love the ultimate to write something good enough that a publishers bites my hand off getting into to print, i guess mainly for vanity, cause from what i can gather most authors earn peanuts. I want to be able to say, i am a writer, look i wrote this book. Juliet


I really liked this, I have never tried LSD, but it's been described to me many times. This came across as a subtle description, without declaring undying love for the drug. I especially liked the mix of euphoria and suicide. Nicely done. Lisa
Would you be willing to divulge your patch? Swap yer 4 droppers of salvia emerald essence (as prepared by Daniel Siebert himself) for this knowledge? :)

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Beverley Westwood is the open pasture land on the outskirts of Beverly. The whole of it is covered in shrooms in autumn. Twas a long time ago I was there. I've left all that behind and prefer a more stable mental state!


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