Conspiracy theories and the McCanns

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Conspiracy theories and the McCanns

A few years ago I found myself in the strange position of being the only person in the room who knew the exact answer to a mystery.

The mystery was no big deal, but it was perplexing enough for everyone present to want to speculate. However, for reasons that are too long and boring to go into I was unable to reveal what I knew.

What astonished me was how the conspiracy instinct kicked in big time. I listened in disbelief as the suggestions grew increasingly ludicrous and bizarre.

People weren't joking. They genuinely believed their theory provided a credible explanation.

What also astonished me was how people would conveniently ignore the facts at hand to advance their own preposterous ideas. Science or logic wasn't going to spoil a good conspiracy theory.

As this was happening I noticed two interesting things.

First, how many of the theories were built around the theorist's personal prejudices and obsessions.

Second, how trivial and irrelevant details that had absolutely no bearing on the mystery were pored over and picked apart to prove the theorist right. Patterns were seen and connections made that were mostly non-existent and certainly had no relation to the mystery under consideration.

All this brings me to the McCanns.

I was reading a chatroom page devoted to this unfortunate case and it was extraordinary to see the ridiculous and paranoid explanations literally hundreds of people were giving to explain the disappearance of Madeleine.

Many of them were cherry picking the facts to fit their own paranoid view of what happened, conveniently dispensing with science or logic.

The fact is none of us has a clue what happened. We weren't present at the scene. We don't know the family.

A complicated murder and cover up in the style of Agatha Christie would make for a great news story, but my suspicion is that the truth in this case (as with my own mystery) could be a whole lot simpler.

But of course that's just my personal prejudice showing through.

"Many of them were cherry picking the facts to fit their own paranoid view of what happened" we all do it: science, religion, politics, moralists, spiritualists, solicitors!! I have my own 'beliefs' about what happened, based on a deep psychological observation. I won't add to the 'conspiracies' but I know I'M RIGHT!! :D conveniently dispensing with science or logic. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

The Butler Did It. No you're right: the truth is, because no-one knows, everyone thinks they do and where is the proof to say they're wrong. People project their own fears,inadequacies,wishes and convenient answers onto the situation and this informs their theories. I'm Lord Lucan, by the way.
"I was reading a chatroom page devoted to this unfortunate case and it was extraordinary to see the ridiculous and paranoid explanations literally hundreds of people were giving to explain the disappearance of Madeleine." It's not extraordinary. It's highly predictable. Unexplained disappearances are very mysterious and given the level of coverage of the McCann case, it's hardly surprising that people are letting their imaginations run wild guessing what might have happened. What's more bizarre - but understandable for different reasons - is the significant % of people who still claim to believe that the death of Princess Diana (possibly the least mysterious death of a famous person, ever) was a conspiracy.


I realise I'm probably going to rot in hell for saying this, and as a father or two teenagers I know full well that words can't even begin to describe the horror of losing a child, but I just dislike the woman. I know it's completely irrational, but I've never seen her look anyone in the eye. She comes across as so arrogant. And from Day One I've thought "Methinks she doth protest too much" or whatever.


me too. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Everyone loves a good mystery. Coming up with conspiracy theories detracts from the daily drudgery of life. Science and logic would get in the way of having a good old gossip at the McCanns' expense. I don't care to form my own theory (oh go on, then, I have briefly speculated along with everyone else) but I agree, she comes across as manipulative and unpleasant. Princess Diana was vile too. Guess I'll be rotting with you two above.
I'v always kinda hoped she was Valiumed to the eyeballs. Pictures of her from earlier times are softer . They would have been better to have dissolved in tears publically and then shut up.They probably thought she had been taken for child abuse or by a childless woman in which case publicity is the right thing ,but if it was a kidnapping ...not. Why have no locals or employees been suspects? Employees know the layout after all.


I think she's lovely! Which is just as irrational as the above. Gwyneth Paltrow to play her in the movie though. If my child had been abducted I would just numb out, or get completely rat-arsed. But for a lot of people the only way to cope is to just switch off.


Oh as an addendum, you never ever leave your kids alone, not because they might be abducted but because they're likely to play with matches and set the cat alight. Put tins of beans in the microwave or eat the contents of the cat tray.


'likely to play with matches and set the cat alight. Put tins of beans in the microwave or eat the contents of the cat tray.' All of which I've done, except it was the dog. And I'm OK, aren't I? WELL? I AM, AREN'T I???? LMAO Ewan
On Channel 5 at the moment is a film about a young girl that is abducted. The mother is a slim good looking blond woman (Shelley Long) The husband an identi-kit of Mr McCANN. A coincidence or sick exploitation of the current circumstances?


I don't know which, but as most TV programmes are filmed months, if not longer, before they are shown, I'd be inclined to think it was a coincidence. I haven't watched the programme, but perhaps the makers chose people who look like this because they thought the a majority of the public would be more sympathetic to them. Which tells you a lot about why the reaction to the McCann case is as it is.
Never so many 'spottings' since Kenneth Arnold flew over mount rainer. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

No. you are not well Ewan!


I think the poor little thing was dead that very night, and we'll never find the body, and no-one will ever be charged. Call me cynical, but I'm a fan of CSI. I know what goes on out there.
:-) When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

'I don't care to form my own theory (oh go on, then, I have briefly speculated along with everyone else) but I agree, she comes across as manipulative and unpleasant. Princess Diana was vile too. Guess I'll be rotting with you two above.' I think Maddy is, in reality, somewhat older than disclosed - because she is the secret love child of Di and Dodi, given anonymously to a good British family to keep her safe. But the lizardmen tracked her down and abducted her. She has a bloodline that goes all the way back to Caesar!
interesting article on 'disliking the Mccanns' by Anne Enright here:
The child was abducted. She's either alive; or dead.


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