ABCtales Magazine Issue # 23
The latest issue of ABCtales Magazine is now available to buy or download from:
Featuring work by Richard McDonough, Simon Whitworth, John Nandy, Lynn Roulstone, Brian O’Hare Green, Marion Clare, Sanna Ryan, Jade Tolley, Jordan Nelson, Russell J Turner, Paul Morgan, Jacqueline King, Alison Wassell, Jo Garwood, Jane Seaford, Clare Mason, Leo Vine-Knight, Joseph Harvey, Phil Sawyer and Nexis Pas.
Plus pieces read at the first ‘Upstairs’ event by Alex Tomlin, Zemikael Habte-Mariam, Dave Clark, Tessa Hart, Richard Penny, Whatsername, insertponceyfrenchnamehere, R J Newlyn, Cavalcader Julie, Steve Thomas and Mark Grist.
40 A4 pages, full colour Magazine : £7.99
104 pages, black and white, text only, pocket sized paperback: £3.99
Quote code CYBERMAYUK before 31st May for a 25% discount.
Both versions may also be downloaded FREE to print and distribute as you will.