The Dawkins Sneer

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The Dawkins Sneer

Whenever I hear the atheist David Attenborough talk about the majesty and spleandour of nature, I am inspired and uplifted but whenever I hear Richard Dawkins talk about it, I feel nothing and this is because I know that Dawkins is sneering and mean-spirited and isn't even aware that 'faith' is a part of nature's beauty.

David Attenborough, like The Ghost of Christmas Present says, "Come in and know me better, man!".
Dawkins, like Scrooge, says "Bah, humbug!".

No one believes in "The Force" from the Star Wars universe, so why do we find the character of Obi Wan Kenobi cool? It isn't just the imaginary power which he wields, its because he is a person of faith. People of faith, when that faith is married to
love and wisdom are beautiful, they have an elegance, enigma and charisma about them.
A bhuddist monk meditating looks, to me,
like a swan gliding in the water while
Dawkins only looks, to me, like Tracy
Emin's unmade bed.

Maybe this Dawkins character could be converted to the truer faith?
What I think is that a world without faith would be like a world without the colour blue or the triangle or the chord E minor. Faith is a part of the richness of this world.
Faith is important, but I think the Dawkins dimension is equally valid though that might sound to the naive a contradiction!


As I said in my first post. There are nice atheists, for example David Attenborough, who educate people about Darwin's theory of evolution in a friendly fashion and then there is "Darwins Rottweiller" who just comes across as a snob and a bigot. My favourite atheist is the character played by Spencer Tracy in "Inherit The Wind", he is the epitome of the "Nice" atheist, he gets his point across but he has respect for people. I think that the Dawkin's dimension really doesn't show atheists in a good light and more people will be turned off by it than attracted to it. Yes alot of people bought 'The God Delusion' but how many of those people were 'religious' people who then became atheists.
'No one believes in "The Force" from the Star Wars universe...' There are probably a lot more people who believe in "The Force" than believe in Dawkins. Like many people Dawkins managed to put all his hate beads into the same box and in the end just made a fool of himself. It wasn't that he didn't have some good points in his arguments, it was more that he couldn't tell the good ones from the bad. I first saw him giving a Christmas Lecture on Evolution and he had that same driven myopia even then... a man who was so certain that he was right that it never occurred to him that he could possibly be wrong - but it will... with a vengeance.
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