Dear God
They haven't yet managed to turn the whole planet into their own private playground. Hurry up.
ps. Make it inoperable with a whole lot of pain.
Love from me.
"They" may be Russians opposed to Gay marriages! I think there are a lot of "they's" out there. All who do not think and act as I do! Ha ha There are "them" and "us". If we all could agree who "they" are then we would be getting somewhere, wouldn't we! I can think of a lot of "they's" and they are all more or less criminal in moral terms. But I don't know any personally to be honest. I think the moon would be over-populated if we sent them up there.
Nestled snuggly in the kingdum of Denmark I don't know who Jeremy Clarkson is but he does sound bad!
Then there are "they" he he who are plain stupid posing as intelligent- away with them- and then the whole International Cycling Union- who else? Frank Sinatra?
I'd like to see the 'popular' government spokesman Jeremy Clarkson be given the opportunity on a prime time popular TV news show to give his opinion about Anders Behring Breivik next.
That isn't a joke for anyone too thick or bewildered to know the difference.
Maybe when he gets back from stuffing his fat head with rhinoceros horn in Beijing.
The peasants more sensibly make do with potatoes.
50/50 I know what I could say. Whatever I said is a joke! Oh That Jeremy- I thought his name was James! Top gear "they" send here too but as I very seldom see the telly so... But I know what you are on about with the media Paul. One scandal after another. Those journalists don't know what to write about or even how to write, I think! I must say I take it all with a pinch of salt. "They" (hehe)- we get carried away, don't "we"? At the moment we are all (in this country) hating a minister from the former government. They sure are lucky that they are former, because everyone hates him and them.
Don't mind a bit of a laugh either- things can be so f.... serious that they are funny. Remmeber when we were kids and got a laughing fit when someone died- well something like that! Gallow humour- ha ha whatever it's called. I suppose that is what Jeremy Clarkson is about some of the time?
Yeah Tan- I quite agree- there has to be a f.. limit to being funny... Maybe this Jeremy guy just can't draw the line! Unintelligent! Who does he think he is? I hope he doesn't try to say anything witty about Breivik- then I'll shoot him personally!
Tanya Jones
Tanya Jones
Tanya Jones
Tanya Jones
Tanya Jones