Reviews for My Writings?

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Reviews for My Writings?

I am twelve years of age, and I have just began writing. I feel that I need critiques on the pages that I have wrote, and any help would be appreciated.

P.S. You should probably read Chapter One, before The Parchment, or else you will be thoroughly confused.

I agree with the above, but I have still reviewed one of your stories as well, because I admire the fact you are only 12 and are as committed to writing as you are!
Is there really anyone out there who believes a 12year old would call himself 12yearoldwriter? If so, then please send me a cheque for all the money you have in the bank and I'll give you double back on Friday.
No, Trainspotter, it is not the fact that I am lying about my age, I'm just really not that creative with my users. Probably can send you a picture of me if you are still not convinced. Heres a link to my website, which is for promotion of my alpine racing abilities.
Stan- For the modern fireman, I wanted to add something that people could relate too, because I myself could not understand what I was meaning when I first wrote that piece.
Well, Joe. Can I call you Joe now? What on earth are you doing with skis on? Surely a talented young lad of your age should be snowboarding?
You'll need a new username before twelve months are out.


I think anything that let's you use the word 'panache' should be encouraged.
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