Is this usual?

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Is this usual?


I am new to ABC. I signed up yesterday. I was able to post collections and stories yesterday but today when I tried to 'Write' it is giving me a message that 'access is denied' I can open a collection but I cannot post a story. Is it because I am new and there is a waiting period or a limit to content? If someone could let me know what this might be I'd be so appreciative - I look forward to reading and posting to this site and thank you for any help anyone can offer. 


You should be able to post content penny/  I'll look into it for you.


Welcome to ABC! Could it be that you've already posted your three stories/poems in one day? 


Yes, I believe it was after I posted 3 on previous day , must not have been 24 hours before I tried to post a fourth. I think I see the limit now. Thank you all for your responses. I do appreciate the help.

