Fantasy Publishers!!

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Fantasy Publishers!!

I have just finished my first novel which is a tale mostly surrounding Vampires. Does anyone know of any good publishers that deal with this kind of story as i haven't had much luck so far, fantasy/horror is not as common in my writers and artist yearbook as i'd thought it would be, so any other help would be greatly appreciated. (*_*) Thanx.

Anonymous's picture
Hi, Does anyone have good advise on where to start to get a children's book published. Its a series. Maggie
Ron Isaacs
Anonymous's picture
Beginning with a book is a bit drastic. Far better to start with short stories and wet your toes by finding a suitable magazine. There are those which specialise in fantasy short stories, but you can't buy them at newsagents, only by subscribing. Editors expect prospective authors to read a few copies to see what kind of style they will accept. Difficult, but certsainly easier than sweating you guts out writing a whle novel and getting it turned down.
Anonymous's picture
Cass, I echo Ron's sentiments above. If you can get hold of a copy of The Small Press Guide, they list hundreds of magazines, many of which publish fantasy and/or horror. For more info, write to: Editor, Small Press Guide, Writers' Bookshop, Remus House, Coltsfoot Drive, Woodston, Peterborough PE2 9JX Alternatively (or as well as) is full of useful info (markets, publishers, agents etc) on every genre. Click on 'Sci-Fi/Fantasy on front page for your particular genre.
Terry Weide
Anonymous's picture
You can try New Age Dimensions Publishing, at I believe they have a vampire line of books. They also recently published a fantasy novel I wrote. Just check out their submission guidelines. Best wishes, Terry Weide, old ABC member just browsing around.
Anonymous's picture
Hello I'm the editor of the aforementioned SF/F section on (cheers Andrea!) Getting short stories published is definitely the best way of carving a name for yourelf. However, I've always preferred writing novels, don't know if you do. So my tip would be to write for yourself first and foremost. Afterwards, once the first draft is finished, edit it with a ruthless scalpel, considering your readers. ie can they understand this? would my reader identify with this character? etc etc. So you've written your novel. What next? True, fantasy/horror isn't terribly common in the yearbook. But that book doesn't list half the imprints/small presses etc. A good idea is to actually go into a bookshop, scout out the books that are similar to yours and jot down their addresses. Also, have a look rounf my own site: and post a message on the forum. There's a couple of authors on there who regularly post. They might be able to help you. Good luck! Sarah
Anonymous's picture
Hello I'm the editor of the aforementioned SF/F section on (cheers Andrea!) Getting short stories published is definitely the best way of carving a name for yourelf. However, I've always preferred writing novels, don't know if you do. So my tip would be to write for yourself first and foremost. Afterwards, once the first draft is finished, edit it with a ruthless scalpel, considering your readers. ie can they understand this? would my reader identify with this character? etc etc. So you've written your novel. What next? True, fantasy/horror isn't terribly common in the yearbook. But that book doesn't list half the imprints/small presses etc. A good idea is to actually go into a bookshop, scout out the books that are similar to yours and jot down their addresses. Also, have a look round my own site: and post a message on the forum. There's a couple of authors on there who regularly post. They might be able to help you. Good luck! Sarah
Willie Meikle
Anonymous's picture
I've just sold the first 2 books of a vampire/fantasy/alternate history trilogy to Barclay Books in the States. You'll get their guideline info at .... I think they might be closed to new submissions for a while but their horror imprint "Spectral Visions" will look at fantasy/vamps etc when they're open. Willie
Anonymous's picture
I don't really know cass. its gets harder to get to print But I have turned my story in to a film script. Hollywood are running low on new ideas. So mine would be a crap book but a kix butt film. Give it a shot.
Anonymous's picture
um..get a literary agent
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