Where in the world are you?

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Where in the world are you?

Apart from the obvious that there are contributors to ABCTales living in the UK and USA (plus I spotted 2 in the Netherlands by their proxy ending .nl) I was curious as to what other nationalities are contributing to this site?
So to kick off.. I'm a Brit living in the US.

David Taub
Anonymous's picture
Huh!! and I thought this thread was simply asking where ABCtalers originate from and where they are. But what do I know? I only started the thread! Many sincere thanks to those who responded... Gleaning through the replies, the answers seem to be: Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Canada and the USA. Any more to add to the list?
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, not all of us are from such obvious places! We are from South Africa!! Amazing isn't it? how many people are from so many different places! Of course, we're probably the only people from Sunny SA huh???
Damon Leigh
Anonymous's picture
In a wee village south of Bath, not far from Jennifer (Wicked Wiltshire) and David (N.Somerset). Having said that, I'm spending most of my weeks in Livingston (near Edinburgh) just now which, to be blunt, is a bit like Milton Keynes with an accent....and less soul. Yum.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Whereabouts do you live, David? I spent seven years in the USA. Two in L.A. and five on the road. I've recently returned from visiting friends in New York and Chicago and my wife's brother's family in Montana.
Ted Francis
Anonymous's picture
Fragrant my dear, you never noticed because you are just like your spouse, INSENSITIVE. You probably wouldn't notice if the entire British Lions team had been there! Or were you eating your chips at the time? Mary sweet lady, I have never read any of your old man's tripe, I based my remarks on the opinions of a high percentage of the millions of 'pleasured readers' that you seem to be so proud of. Your judgement isn't any better than his is it my dear?
Anonymous's picture
You're a strange and sad man Ted....the tv career flopped....one last chance to get yourself in the papers.....yeah JA was guilty.....but so were you!!
Anonymous's picture
I'm in Wickedly Wonderful Wiltshire!
Anonymous's picture
WWWWhere is the world in which we are? I am in it to reach the top of a list to test the readers here in our published domain of many names. Who do you believe?
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
I'm in East London, Hackney, but originally from Bath in Somerset.
Anonymous's picture
I went to school in Bath!! Beautiful city.
Anonymous's picture
I'm in misery!
Anonymous's picture
You must live in Forfar too Mississippi!! :-)
Anonymous's picture
I live in Colorado in the US.
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
Crouch End, N. London, supposed to be frightfully trendy and meedja but really quite leafy and babied.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Colorado eh, Lisa? In all my travels I always found Colorado people to be friendliest. And every time I visited I never changed that opinon. I spent time studying up at Copper Mountain,not far from Vail.
Anonymous's picture
I live in a red and white Kop.
soft lad's dad
Anonymous's picture
I live in Penury, which is a suburb of Liverpool.
Anonymous's picture
I live in a little Buckinghamshire Village.
Anonymous's picture
i live in Murky Harbour ...
Anonymous's picture
I live in a little Berkshire village. Oh my God Muzzy, you're closer than I thought. (Starts to remove all objects from house than can be chewed by one toothy little dog).
The Queen
Anonymous's picture
I love in Buckingham Palace, you arseholes! None of you are welcome, even though you all pay for it indirectly. So piss off!
Anonymous's picture
the queen LOVES .... now that IS a surprise to all us devoted subjects ...
Anonymous's picture
Yes, but it's only corgis, horses and wrestling, Fish...
Anonymous's picture
Just think, Andrea. If you had omitted that last comma, that sentence might have been quite surreal.
Anonymous's picture
Blimey, yes! Just goes to show that punctation can come in handy, sometimes. The image it conjured up of HRH in a headlock with a carp just doesn't bear thinking about... Er...is 'headlock' a correct wrestling term? Good ol' Eric, eh?
Anonymous's picture
All is safe, but if you have a pair of slippers they will go for a walk, who knows where they will end up. So wolfeeee we are kinda next door.
Anonymous's picture
Norfolk but soon to be Japan.
Anonymous's picture
North Norfolk but soon to be Japan.
Anonymous's picture
I'm an expat Brit in the United arab emirates.....see soon we'll be everywhere and then we can take over the world...................oh damn this isn't the meglomaniac site this is the writers site!
Anonymous's picture
Crouch End, London. Mr Gardiner's right, it's full of babies. The leafy trees are an aphrodisaic.
Gaby Pfeiffer
Anonymous's picture
I wish I knew...
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Wherever I hang my baseball cap, but mostly in the dark alleys and shadows of my own mind.
Anonymous's picture
I live in a small town just north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Anonymous's picture
Karl: Thank you, thank you. I always try to mind my p's and q's. I don't think you ever did mention where you are from Karl. Where is that? Just thought I would ask. Lisa
Anonymous's picture
I'm down in sunny Devon...where all the foot and mouth is Explains alot huh?
ern mali
Anonymous's picture
I live on Spentcoon Island, off the coast of Tasmania. I drink wine while I write. My favourite White is 'Bondi Bleach' and my favourite Red is 'Kanga Rouge.' I hear their flip-flops flapping with low sounds by the shore... Can you guess what it is yet???
mad dingo
Anonymous's picture
a cow with an aqualung and flippers?
Dingo Starr
Anonymous's picture
A platypus on a skateboard? Free the Innes Three!
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Lisa, I live in Rickmansworth, close to Watford, just outside London. Sorry I can't reply to your e-mail, but I've still got a virus in my Outlook.
Anonymous's picture
That's a good one. Belgium ... no wait a minute ... I mean Oxford ... no, no, that's not right ... I mean Brussels ... ummm ... umm. ... ummm ... not really sure any more ... probably like Karl says, wherever the cap hangs itself.
Tony Scanlon
Anonymous's picture
I live in the salubrious harbourside suburb of Mosman, Sydney, Oz, where there are no ghosts because they can't afford the rent. Hmm. And re "ern mali" on Spentcoon Island, I was wondering where Ern Malley had got to.....
George W. Bush
Anonymous's picture
I'm not even on this planet. That's why I'm not particularly bothered about it.
J Archer
Anonymous's picture
I'm currently in Belmarsh.....although I hope to move soon, I have a lot of time to concentrate on my writing at the moment.....maybe I'll actually write a book on my own now.......
Ted Francis
Anonymous's picture
Don't bother Jeffrey, the last dozen or so have been shite. It's just as well they got you for perjury because if it had been crimes against literature you'd have got life. By the way since you've been locked up me and my mates have been round yours screwing the wife. A little bit of poetic justice that, don't you think?
Anonymous's picture
Were you....I must say I hadn't noticed....next time please tell me when you start .....and when you finish.....and it would be nice if you bought me dinner first.....at least a portion of chips............
Anonymous's picture
my husband is very pleased that, despite the fact you think he is shite, you have still read his last dozen or so novels. myself, if I read a novel that I consider to be shite, I never read that author again. I suspect that all you archerbashers here in the phorum can't distinguish between the man - and all that he stands for - and the writing, shiteghosted though it may be, that has sold in it's millions and given pleasure (ho ho) to as many readers. by knocking the books and not the man, you alienate his readers......and writers without readers......are shite! I'd rather go down, if you pardon the pun, as a writer who sold a million crap stories to Sun readers and died wealthy than the attic bound poet that once sold a brilliant sestina compilation to ermmm..... I forget where now a.....nd died poor. but then I'm just shallow.
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