Behaving out of character - how much fun is that!

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Behaving out of character - how much fun is that!

A friend of mine, who happens to be a vicar's wife, told me how she enjoys popping the bubble of popular perception by rolling her own joints and generally living life to the raucous hilt. I live in a twee village in an even tweer county, where hanging basket twiddling crime is slightly up this year. I too enjoy lobbing in a few howlers for people who label me as a Berkshire housewife. How do people perceive you and what do you throw in there to give them a little jolt now and again?

Anonymous's picture
My true identity is hidden in this abctales world. It is the only place where I can let it out. It is offensive and painful...even to me. You pass me on the street everyday. Pleasant to speak with. Even nicely dressed. Good job. Large house. What's the problem, you ask? There's been a father should have been someone else. Someone kind and caring. Someone there. Someone without problems...that he passed on to me. The doctor's are busy they are all amazed. How can he be so "normal" and yet be his father's son? I shall go back to sleep now and let the polite me have this day.
Anonymous's picture
I don't much care how people perceive me, Wolfie, although I did for many long, agonising years which are now, thankfully, relegated to the past. I can't be bothered, either, with little (or large) jolts. If I was any more laid-back, I'd be horizontal. Is this a bad thing?
Anonymous's picture
Most people percieve me as easy-going and relaxed, never losing my temper or saying a harsh word about anyone. So if I want to shakes things up a bit, I pretend to be furious. It gets the best reaction, nobody knows what to do with me, or what to say, so they all creep around like I'm some kind of dangerous animal. The best thing is, they all go out of their way to cheer me up again, so I get thoroughly spoilt for a day! heh heh heh
Anonymous's picture
It was rather rhetorical than otherwise, yes. Just so as there's no confusion, though (and no offence meant, either), I'm neither apathetic, a dosser, a slacker or, even, a couldn't-care-lesser. Just easy-going and open-minded is all... Oh come on, do stir yourself and tell us when NS day is.
John L
Anonymous's picture
Blimey, Andrea, didn't mean to imply you were anyof those terrible things. It's just that the 'jokes' don't work without 'em. Many apologies. OK then National Slackers Day is August 24th. You can read all about it on
Anonymous's picture
I know you didn't mean it, hence the 'no offence meant' bit. No need to apologise at all. I really ought to take my tongue out of my cheek sometimes... Gawd, are you serious? I thought you were joking about NS day!
Anonymous's picture
Behaving out of character.... hey wolfie, am usually perceived as slightly dozy, clumsy generally, not having much of a clue, intelligent but overridingly dim. being unhapppy with my clumsilydozing (rather monotonous) existence i got the cheapest flight any where (not an exactly original plan) but travelling alone as a clumsy guy was great. 1st plane to anywhere_a great way to burst everybody elses bubble___my boss was surprised but I sent her a postcard...
Anonymous's picture
No one knows what to make of me i'm a different character to loads of people because i generally don't care anyway. Actually that's not true i take pleasure in confusing people haha........actually that makes me a bit twisted doesn't it? oh well it's great saying your something your not i was a training astronaut who had to quit because i got claustrophobic in the helmet......i had to give that one up when people kept asking questions though....
John L
Anonymous's picture
Yep, there seriously is a National Slacker's Day. Wonder how they summoned up the enthusiasm/energy/desire to organise it.
Anonymous's picture
well i was going to make a banner but i couldnt be arsed ...
Anonymous's picture
Being a people pleaser cause of wanting to be liked I generally am. Having a good relational style helps. Completly aware of a heart that can have the most base motives, glad of redemption! Would love not to be SO aware of how people perceive me! ANd just know I'm perobably wrong most of the time!
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Wolfie, I'm the opposite. I'm behaving out of character when I put on a shirt and tie for work. Really I'm just a beach bum. But the people who know me in a suit and tie, would no doubt have a shock if they were to see me at weekends. However, that is the real me.
Anonymous's picture
Oh, I sometimes make out I'm a really serious, sensitive, caring little chappie. But it doesn't fool 'em for long!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Great topic Wolfgirl....people usually perceive me as fairly placid....but sometimes the "mischievous demons" to take over and I act out of this perceived and a friend at work convinced a few people that we had second jobs as podium dancers at seedy nightclubs........ if you saw our less than svelt figures, you'll understand what a great leap in imagination that would take.....
spag man
Anonymous's picture
I have this indifference that everyone goes on about. But in fact that is not true. Also, most people I meet think I am a funny, loving and caring man. Now that is out of character. Being gushy about a girlfriend is so out of character for me . Lastest lover has changed that.
Anonymous's picture
I'm thirty six No I'm not I'm twenty seven Lying again Anyway age isn't important I'm blond Well tie-dyed actually I'm petite Well large actually I like playing chess Who am I kidding? I'm unmarried Well I am now But I wasn't Well three times divorced Actually People say I'm intelligent And caring Actually that's them being nice about me At the weekend I eat large amounts of food To build my stamina for my work in the coal mine I've three large alsation dogs And four limpets in a jar I'm a Trekkie and a lover of Baroque music I've got a implant on my hand that tells the time I've pierced my brain Oh bugger This is getting on my nerves Actually I'm just a bored I'm a middle aged housewife No I'm not Yes I am No Yes No
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