More than star ratings!!!!!!!!

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More than star ratings!!!!!!!!

It's good to have people comment on your work, and several people have mentioned that it would be nice if we could have more than a star rating - namely, comments.

Well - I've set up my email adress at ABCtales - - so please email me with comments on my work!

Perhaps if we'd like comments, we can ask ppl to email us at our abc addresses? Just a thought - would ppl take the time to let someone know if they liked their work (or otherwise, for that matter)?

What does everyone think?


Anonymous's picture
Hi, Ive just joined ABC, and I would realy appreciate your imput on my work. E-Mail me at, and in return I will make sure to send you my opinion on your writing. My only work to be posted to date is 'From the death of a Teenager' Hope you enjoy it.
Anonymous's picture
Now isn't that a surprise? It's that nice RichieDavid person again. Boy does he get around. Must be desperate for the accolade. Shame 'cos it could be a really good story, but I shan't read it 'cos I've never liked anything rammed down my throat!!! AJ PS before the mucky brigade jump in, I know, silly thing to say really. But then that's me folks!!!!! AJ
Anonymous's picture
I love getting comments on my work, both good and bad. I would take the time to email someone if I liked their work. That's a good idea you have. Hope it catches on. ;o)
song and dance?
Anonymous's picture
it's already happening, no? i often email authors of stuff that i like...just do it
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I've found this to be the most useful aspect of abctales. If you read something and like it, let the person know. Also, figuratively rolling up your critical sleeves and setting down why you liked the story and what you particularly enjoyed is beneficial both to the writer and to your own writing.
Anonymous's picture
But how do we do this if we don't know people's addresses? Perhaps everyone wanting to join in should post 'em up here!!!
song and dance?
Anonymous's picture
sorry, i should have said. most people's email addresses are already in their abc profiles
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
...or you could just all get e-mail addresses cos they're free and take the format of :-)
spag man
Anonymous's picture
Yay I got my abc email account now.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Cool - cheers Spag (and everyone else who's got ABCtales e-mail accounts)
Anonymous's picture
Got mine too (Andrea@etc), though I've yet to check it. Back from Blighty, chaps, an' all that...
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