Bad writing
I was going over all the poems i've ever written[which aren't really that many] And shaking my head in despair at my apalling attempts and i thought "How can i have the nerve to ask someone to comment on such bad rubbish?".Yes i know i could comment on other people's stories and hope they could return the favour but every one seems so much better or worse that i can't presume to advise those better than me and i don't have the heart to criticize the very few worse!
Aren't i pathetic!Any way to get to the point,i thought it would be fun to start a new section on ABC tales where everyone sends in the most dismal thing they've ever written.It might be good for a laugh...........might also provide people like me with a chance to get their work booed if not applauded!Has it already been done? cheating though.No sending in good work pretending you think it's terrible so that you're flooded with what are you doing heres!