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It's not the NO-NO it once was...
I posted this in reply to a previous message but thought others may be interested...
I have recently been put onto a website that does digital publishing. If you have the guts to just grab the bull etc. and even if you only want to publish 20 books (this is their minimum) you can do a 64 page book with a laminated cover, perfect bound, 20 copies of for $3.73 each which I found absolutely amazing. Of course there is a small set up fee of $48 and you have to pay for the Fedex because it comes from America... but this group are highly recommended by a well regarded publisher that I cannot name. I haven't yet, but I am going to use them. You can do 20 to 20,000. Of course they get cheaper as you go up in figures... 600 would cost $1.41 each (US Dollars). Not BAD! So all you frustrated poets and novelists out there.... Just go for it - don't wait to be published by someone else - sell your own!
Their address is: You can do a quote on line with no obligation and get any help you need too. Offset Paperback Manufacturers and Berryville Graphics should be paying me, hey!

Simon Murphy
Anonymous's picture
Hi there, I'm not for so called 'VANITY PUBLISHING' as there are a lot of people who think it's a good idea and then get ripped off by a lot of money. However the people whom you mention sound ok to me. I am all for POD (PRINT ON DEMAND) if the publisher is sound. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT PEOPLE BEFORE YOU COMMIT! My book was refused by TRADITIONAL PUBLISHERS over and over again. I wsa told "IT'S NOT WHAT WE ARE AFTER AT THIS TIME" or " WE'RE NOT TAKING ON NEW AUTHORS" seems to be a favorite. So I endeavoured to go with a POD publisher and I have no trouble. It's a good tool to get you and your work out there and 'TEST THE WATER' so to speak. cheers. Si.
Anonymous's picture
Cheers Reel, sounds like a real possible :-)
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Simon & all. Im new to POD, but it sounds good. how do I find a POD publishe or can you explain more thanks. Trishsmiler
Anonymous's picture
Try typing 'POD publishers' in Google (or any other search engine), Trish. There aren't, as yet, many UK ones, though...
Anonymous's picture
Thanx Andrea for the info, I tried that and found some sites that look good to me at first sight such as . I'm working on my scond novel currently, and having done the usual hawking round publishers at great expense and frustration with the first one, I'm definitely cutting to the chase when I finish this one, which I'm determined to do and trying POD. Thanks be to all those wonderful people who have made the Internet the success it has become.
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for all your replies everyone! But I will refer back to my original... a well-known small press uses the digital printers I have recommended for the initial printing and then once they have sold them all, they just order another couple of hundred or thou or whatever they need - that is print-on-demand. You only print what you have sold (or have demand for). The beauty of digital printing... computers are marvellous things and we all use them so therefore, we can all put some sort of book together... You can order as few as 20 copies! Their address to check out the website - VERY CAREFULLY - is; Check them out... doesn't cost anything to just look - that's the beauty of the net. Ciáo
Anonymous's picture
Hi all, I have trouble finding addresses of publishers any suggestions welcomed. Thank you regards & good luck all, trishsmiler x
Anonymous's picture
See other thread, Trish, re Writers' and Artists Year book. Alternatively, type 'pulishers' (or whatever)in Google.
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