Zadie Smith
The Corrections thread below kicks off with a comment along the lines of "I expected this to be one of hyped up bits of nonsense like Zadie Smith . . ." ABC seems to generate a lot of anti-Zadie feeling (there was a thread a wee while ago about the "Burned Children of America" that involved a bit of Zadie baiting too) and - whilst I realise this is a deeply unfashionable thing to say - I don't think she warrants such hostility.
"White Teeth" and "Autograph Man" are both fine, fine books. So, c'mon people - what is yr problem with Zadie? Is it that oh so English thing - the "she's young, she's beautiful, she's done well, let's deride her"?
Or something more . . . ?
What do you have to say for yourselves? Hmmmmmmmmmm??