Chrissie Glazebrook

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Chrissie Glazebrook

Just read her first book "The Madolescents", a teenage angst novel which is absolutely hilarious and full of bizarre characters and way-out scenes but, like a lot of Northern writing (it's set in Newcastle) is bittersweet and very moving in parts. She's also got a very good website.


Anonymous's picture
I'll read it. Thank you for being so kind. Kindness is contagious. You must understand, I live in New Hampshire. If you're kind in Boston or New Hampshire, people think that you are interested in them. A great friend you are. Happy New Year.
Anonymous's picture
Concur. Cracking book.
Anonymous's picture
My favorite book! I'm re-reading it for the 4th time @ the moment. Love it :) (Hey if anyone ever hears about auditions for a movie version of it, let me know!)
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