Concertina - UEA Creative Writing Anthology 2004
Thu, 2004-09-02 19:23
Concertina - UEA Creative Writing Anthology 2004
Hey, hey, hey - the UEA Creative Writing Anthology 2004 is out. You can get it through amazon (use the link through abctales). I mention it because I'm in it and helped edit it, so this is basically a plug. But seriously, this year it's actually quite good. And only £6.99 for a hefty doorstop of a book.
I got it yesterday and I think there's some good stuff in there, well worth the buy.
Hey you crazy kids. Good work on the readings one and all. Fergal, did you read second, if so it was fabulous. I look forward to nabbing myself a free copy from the pen and inc office. Perks of the job!
Anyone hear the Andrew Motion and William Boyd on UEA and creative writing courses in general ont eh Today program.
If not you can listen to it here:
Fnnh. Link doesn't seem to work. Shame... I'd have liked to hear what that arsehole Motion had to say, just so I could disagree with him.
Yes I did read second Spack - thanks for the compliment. That was the first ever reading out loud I've done and was slightly nervous, but only because I am quite shy in front of an audience (who would have thought??)
Shame I don't have the confidence of, say, Joel who came exactly in front of me and performed with what one could only deem 'gusto'. I think I got a bit more confident after the first laugh and hadn't actually thought about the audience response and was quite delighted at the laughter.
You work in the pen and inc office? Do I know you?
I'm just an editorial assistant - i.e. dogsbody (weird phrase) - but it's good fun. I don't think we've met actually. I'm a tall boy with long blonde hair often tied back in a kind of Ninja (or so I imagine) style bun. I'm doing the prose MA this year.
Joel must have been a shit to follow - I felt bad for you. He hadn't even practiced. Twat. But you did really well, especially after the first laugh. Nice one.
Yeah, buy it....coughs....I'm an innocent bystander, not in at all, oh no.
We haven't met, but I do recognise the description (the Ninja hair was a giveaway). You were serving wine with Megan n'est pas?
Hope you enjoy the year - sure you will - I'll probably be in the audience when you read your anthology piece next year.