Andrew Motion, Brian Patten and The Stroke Association Poetry Anthology

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Andrew Motion, Brian Patten and The Stroke Association Poetry Anthology

UKAuthors and The Boho Press are publishing a poetry anthology, the proceeds of which will go the Stroke Assocation. Same idea as A Sporting Chance, except this year we wanted to take our time over it and create a really special book that showcases the wealth of talent that can be seen across the small press scene.

So, if you're interested in donating a verse or two (or three, even), take a look here:

So c'mon guys,, eh? We'd be most awfully grateful and *you'd* get to be in print. Can't be bad, can it?

An update, in case anyone's interested:

The Stroke Association Anthology project is supported by Poet Laureate Andrew Motion and Liverpool poet Brian Patten, both of whom have kindly donated poems.


'An Open Letter From The Boho Press Review Editor Gary Bills

Some anthologies have their own agenda and attempt to set new standards, change directions or pick up on emerging trends. Perhaps the most famous example I can think of is “The New Poetry”, edited by Al Alvarez in the early Sixties, which succeeded overnight in making The Movement school appear reserved and uncool, by championing work “against the gentility principle”. Certainly, at first glance, the passion and suicide of Sylvia Plath seem a world away from Larkin and his bicycle clips, to say the least, though both writers had something valuable to say.

But perhaps at the time, certain distinctions needed to be made, to enrich and broaden the church of modern poetry, by showing what was possible. I believe it is also a valid aim for any editor, when compiling an anthology, to celebrate what has actually been achieved, in any one given period of time. My simple hope is that this new anthology, “The Boho Review of Contemporary Poetry” will be a most rewarding book for poets and readers alike. As the editor, that is ambition enough for me: the desire to offer a snapshot of some of the best poetry that has been written over the last 12 months.

Yes, there will be big names. The Poet Laureate, Andrew Motion has supplied an excellent ballad to set the ball rolling. And the Liverpool Poet Brian Patten, to my mind one of the finest lyricists in the country, has also been kind enough to supply a poem of quality. Other highly respected writers will be included, not least because this is an anthology for that most worthy charity, The Stroke Association, and even famous poets are usually on the side of the angels!'

To donate a poem and, possibly, get published alongside Andrew Motion and Brian Patten, click here:

Now don't say I never do anything for ya :-)

lobenz samson o...
Anonymous's picture
Dear Andrew, I am much happy to learnt about new antology announce by Bohopress, and it glad myherartt that uniqic collection is been put in writing in our generation. I want to have contact with you personally. I am apoet , but in our contry Nigeria such a wonderful talentis not given attention at all. The suitation brougt about pity in mymind each time i thought about it. But hope isnot lost since i ve discvered you. So tell on how i ld come to my full potential in writing. hope soon you would assit me. Thanks, Yours faithfully, Lobenz Samson.
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